Thursday, December 28, 2006
19 days...
so, Christmas was good: not gonna' lie though: it was sad. Have any of you awoken on Christmas morning by yourself? Not looking for pity here: truly, I'm not. But it was a really weird, overwhelming feeling: that I don't wish for anyone. anyways: but it turned out to be a good day!! that afternoon, I went to my friend's house and ate AMAZING food and watched movies allllllllllllll afternoon and evening: it was good!! (and one learns all that they're truly thankful for....)
So... we have these winds here, called the Santa Anna's: and yeah: they TOTALLY remind me of PEI winds... gotta' be at least 30-40 mph.. and with those winds come warm weather: so it's TOTALLY beautiful here. Usually will rain during the night: so you wake up and it's all crisp and clear and windy and nothing but BEAUTIFULness and the ocean is ABSOLUTELY spectactular.
yup: no lie. the #1 thing I will miss the most is:
the OCEAN.
Friday, December 22, 2006
I'll Be Home for Christmas... If Only In My Dreams...
So, I have about an hour and a half of work left (no worries: I'm on lunch break:)!!! SO excited for some time off... and just chillaxin' in my apartment for the last few weeks that I'm here... watching WAY too many movies and WAY too many episodes of Gilmore Girls. :) and probably even going to be eating WAY too many carbohydrates, lol... as macaroni and cheese is always the easiest thing to make, lol. :)
Anyways: so thanks for the prayers regarding a place to be for Christmas! I'm going over to my favorite family's place... so I'm STOLKED: Christmas Eve may be a bit lonely, but it's all good. I have 4 Christmas movies to watch: So Christmas Eve it is! LOL!!
The Talent Department has reached some pretty hott goals: One of them having the reward of a VERY nice STEAK dinner in Beverly Hills (check it out: ) on the 15th: So that's where I'll be on my last night in California!!
Can't believe I leave so soon!! Just 7 days of work left... I have a women's retreat that I am STOLKED to attend in Murietta Hot Springs, CA from the 5-7th, and what else: I don't know. that's it I think. Anyways, it's JUST CRAZY. I'm soooooo excited to go see Bethany! and HOPEFULLY: see you ALL (PEI'RS) in just a few months!
If you're ever droppin' thru NH... give me a call!
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Good Evening World...
well, basically: just here to say that I leave in exactly 4 weeks.
that's a bit much for me... seeing as I have half of my life yet to pack and ship off... only to pray that it by a miracle gets there... every package... safe and secure... not that I have much.. but I do have some stuff....
so no pictures today folks.. but I did spend most of the day in a quaint little area known as BEVERLY HILLS, CA. I went with some friends from work to go to the new HandM (I think that's how you spell it): anyways, its a European store w/ amazingly awesome prices for folk like me... :) and then we went to the Hard Rock Cafe... (never been to one), which we discovered is to actually be closing Dec. 31st... and being shipped to a different location in LA... how sad, eh? Anywho... and oh! then we drove down the famous Rodeo Dr... I felt like I was supposed to pay just to drive down it--it's that glitzy!! ;)
So, that's about it. Works going well... so that makes me happy. My final home group was last Thursday... that makes me REAL sad... but oh! At work we had a "tiered" incentive... and it began w/a personal goal: and for each person that reached their personal goal: was to receive an ipod!! So, guess who did last Thursday?! that's right: ME!!!!!!!!! and we also reached another goal: So, off for a niiiiiiiice Steak Dinner in Beverly Hills... the night before I am to fly out!! :)
Closing remarks: please be praying about my Holidays... wee bit sad.. and just who to spend Christmas with... thanks all. :)
Monday, December 04, 2006
...discombobulation... as usual.

wow, 24.. I'm like, almost a quarter of a century old... that's a bit much really.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Just a wee bit of an update... sorry!
Saturday, November 18, 2006
A Wedding and Christmas... :)

Alrighty.... these kids: yuppers: love them. This is Koby and Sophie... They are my friend Stephanie's kids... Her eldest son was the cause for the wedding, lol... as he and my friend Terah wedded at, you guessed it, 10:15 am... INSANE, I tell you, insane. No, it was actually, quite breathtaking. I should have taken a picture of the wedding: 'cause it was so elegantly beautiful: with all of Santa Barbara in the background, but of course... I had shut my phone off for DURING there ceremony:) Anyways... so yeah... these are my kids. Love them. I get to spend Thanksgiving with them... so that's QUITE exciting... we're all going to go watch Santa Clause 3 at the movies!! INSANITY! I LOVE IT! :)
The following is regarding Christmas... well, and fall and winter. So basically: I love the weather here... I really do. Getting to wear flip flops and sandals pretty much all the time.. but guess what guys: I've come to miss the rain... and the snow... AHHHHHHHHHHHH. can YOU believe it... 'cause I can't. I just miss the "essence" of... well: everything. It will be like 3pm in the afternoon: and I can just picture all of the leaves that have fallen: and the smell of freshness and OXYGEN.... and the future coming of snow... but there is none to be had here. So: even though I am a HUGE fan of NOT listening to Christmas music until after Thanksgiving: I have begun to listen to Christmas music already. I made that decision yesterday. I had wondered why people are "christmasy" already out here: and I think that's why: they have to put themselves in the mood!! ahhhhhhhhh. craziness. well, must flee. love ya' all.
Monday, November 06, 2006 of the best weekends of my life...
Anyways, it was an 18-30's "retreat", lol, which ended up being not so much of a "relax and sleep" retreat, but a conference... and it was amazing. The theme of the retreat was "Soon...": symbolizing, the Rapture of the church. See, Reality and Calvary Chapel churches doctrinely teach the Rapture of the Church... (yay!)... so the weekend's focus was totally on that. And how we should be living right now... as He could return at ANY moment! Even before you finish reading this (or me typing) blog! HOW AMAZING IS THAT?! WHAT AN AMAZING GOD WE HAVE! AND HE CALLS US HIS CHILDREN. He is truly more than anyone can ever think, feel or imagine. Praise His name.
Oh yeah, and at church, we often sing this song, called, "Hallejuah Jesus"... and it's one of those songs that, you can't even handle singing it all... 'cause you can't: you seriously just in such awe and praise of Him that you can't handle doing anything more than just thinking. Anyways... so, just so happens: the guy that wrote that song was the Praise & Worship leader for most of the camp:
and so yeah. He's amazing. check out that song and more at You won't be disapointed.
anyways, so the weekend was amazing. Definitely enjoyed seeing leaves on the ground and the (*Gasp*): 40 something weather, lol. But mostly: there were 2 moments that I honestly thought Jesus was going to come for us right then: 'cause I just couldn't hold in how much I loved Him at those moments. Amazingness. That's our God. My arms: seriously are sore from having them raised for so long. PRAISE HIM.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
another, "IT'S OFFICIAL"....
BECAUSE I JUST PASSED MY DRIVERS TEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
IT'S OFFICIAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can finally sigh relief and tell you ALL that....
I AM MOVING BACK EAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that's right! ain't lyin'!!!!!!
The Lord truly has me moving back East!! On January, 16th, 2007, I will be flying to Manchester, NH, to then move to Jaffrey, NH, to join the Arise Worship Team!!!!!!! That's RIGHT! my friend Andy's band!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that's about it for now. That's why I haven't written sooner.... 'cause I would just want to tell you all!! :)
so, once again, check out his (our?;) stuff at and !!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, October 15, 2006
So, I did get rid of my myspace.... praise the Lord. It was too distracting.... but... there were some people... such as my German exchange student friend... who... I now have no idea how to contact her... so that's kind of poopy... hhhmmm... anyways.
I shall be going for my license within a couple of weeks, I do believe. Before the end of October at least. Am I 100% comfortable? No... but.... well... the mistakes I make now are just the same that every other drive can make... so... I guess it's time to try!! :)
and... let's see... what else. I found my first hot drink at Starbucks that I like: Carmel Macchiato... or something like that. Impressive eh? ;) I do miss good ol' Timmy's though.... and the "roll up the Rim"--big time! :)
Went to a football game the other night!! Fun times!! Man--i LOVE sports and hardly anyone here does... minus my home group leaders... considering one of them IS a football coach... I guess that he SHOULD like football;)... which reminds me.. .the big Cross Town Rivalry (Buena v. Ventura) is this coming Friday... so maybe I'll see Costner there... ;)
And I found out about some more celebs in the area... a famous model goes to my church (won't say the name.. just in case some RANDOM person reads this and then goes to my church).... Ted Danson lives about 20 minutes away (the show Cheers anyone?) and Tom Selleck lives about 30,35 minutes away... fun times, fun times.
well, I must flee sorry so boring... but... I do lead a rather normal life. But... feel free to email me if you would like to know more! ;)
ps... check out to listen to my friend's music: some is being considered for those NowWorship cds that you can get in stores and t.v.!
Friday, October 06, 2006
Alright... Since You've ALLLL Asked;)

Here we go everyone: I ALWAYS get asked if I have seen someone famous:
(My friend saw Kiefer Sutherland at LAX though:( Too bad I wasn't there!)
HOWEVER... so, I saw the movie, "The Guardian" (A-mazing)... and so I'm talking about it with my friend Steph... and she's like, "Oh! Well, Kevin Costner is from here! He goes to basketball and football games here all the time..." LIKE, WHAT?!
So, we're gonna' go see him sometime;) Pretty pumped. No, well: maybe, ahahahaha. But anyways... there he is. (And yes; I DO realize he is human, and he's a sinner.. and all that: but come ON! He's amazing!!)
And, my dearest Erin (and everyone else), lol: I actually got rid of my Myspace.... so you shall be seeing more of me! (or, well, reading more of me)... So Shirls: get a blog! and you Erin! gosh... I can't comment! and jonny b: pictures.... aaaaaaaaaaaaany time now. And Nathan--it's been a while! anywho, peace out!
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Saturday, September 23, 2006

Hello all.
So, making it a short post: basically: I just went thru one of the hardest times in my life and needed to take an emergency vacation. So I did: to New Hampshire to be with my closest friend in the world--Bethany. And the above on the left is Mercy, her 8 month daughter:) She was born just 2 days after I moved out here... so I was EXTREMELY excited to meet her. And then this guy on the right: you've all seen him on here before, lol: That is Josiah!! But he's totally thinning out, lol... so that's a bit sad: but he's still as irresistable as ever! The morning I left (9/18) I capture him on my camero video singing the "Fruit Salad song" from the Wiggles!! :) That little boy has my heart... :)
Anyways... so yes. Let's see... not much has happened. I started small groups last Thursday, so I was really excited about that. Reality has too many people to really get to know anyone on a personal level--so they have small groups. So I'm really excited.
and oh yeah: my friend Andy: Bethany's husband, back in NH: his music (Praise & Worship) is being reviewed by the NowWorship company!! (you can get their stuff off of t.v. and in stores): How EXCITING is that!! :) So you can check out his stuff at: and also, (My favorite times ministering in music has been with Andy at Mondanock.... and he let me minister with him again last weekend, which was FABulous.) They are recording their 2nd album: So be looking out for that!!
That's about it for now. Sorry I don't update this very much. Myspace is kind of where I do a lot of my blogging and stuff now... 'cause there's so many people on there! Sorry... anyways.... feel free to leave a comment/msg or email me! Love ya'll!!
Monday, September 04, 2006
I guess...

I guess... that I am as bad as everyone else at blogging, eh?
Whoops, my bad... here are some pics: one over looks part of Ventura (you can probably see my apartment--you just don't know which one it is) and the other is a friend from work, Chantal and I: just before we started playin' volleyball...
Not a whole lot has happened in the last month... been a rough month though: in almost every way... I am going on vacation from Sept.14th-Sept18th... to go be with my best friend Bethany and her family in NH: please keep me in prayer, as I am flying out the night of the 13th.. and I am beginning to remember why I DISlike flying... but I am looking forward to having some time to myself while traveling and watching people... and seeing God's creation (though, that's a bit tough at night, lol)...
NO idea if I'm going back east for Christmas though... though I would love to see you all... :( hhmmm.....
please comment people! I KNOW you read! lol!! and, feel free to come visit me! My friends Nathanael and Lisa were just here for 2 days... as they're on vacation for 10 days... so THAT was FANTASTIC.... :)
and Bible Study is back in swing! Studying the Book of Daniel!! I'm Soooooooooooo excited... as studying that makes me miss the BI. and...
Have I EVER mentioned how much I love my church?
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Hello all...
I have now worked for the Continental Singers, for exactly 7 months.
Which means... I have lived in C-A-L-F-O-R-N-I-A for....7 months.
Is this NOT insane to you all?
So when is everyone going to come visit?
That's my question.
Okay, update on my life... Driving: uh, kind of had a mishap the other day: so I'm driving for a few days... 'cause I just need a break, lol. just shook me up. No injuries, no damage: no worries: just my pride. (Isn't THAT typical, lol) Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd... no car yet either. Please keep praying for me that though... let's see....
Spiritually: ya' know, up and down. I've been going thru a bit of a stretch lately: the other night in fact, I was like, "I'm ready to go back east... I miss Bethany... I miss my PEI'rs..." yeah, all of that good stuff. But I realized something last night: one of my strengths is that I love moving and seeing different places and moving 3,000 miles doesn't quite bother me.... but, when the going gets tough: that's my escape: to just move, and leave. See: I've never been in one place, for so long. It was always camp for 3 months, school for 3 months, camp, school, camp, school.... see? I always had something on the horizon... then I had tour.... then I had coming here... and now I have...???????? But God is good--and Faithful. Not one thing that I go thru has He NOT allowed: for His glory, and my growth....
Now if I can just remember that...
and that's about it for now. sorry, no pics... for you, maybe later:)
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Alright, Alriiiiiiiiiiiight people... GEESH.:)

Oh, how I miss hearing from you all! :)
Well, PEI'rs, I just sent you guys an email, so you should be getting that... as far as life...
mmm... not so much a lot. I DIIIIIID go to a Dodgers game----quuuuuuuite exciting. and then I performed two days later, w/ some office people, in Ojia, CA, for a luncheon for Seniors. Had a couple of solos--of course: I did NOT good, lol. No really: and I'm not just saying that. Like, we were all watching the video tape, and my co-worker Todd goes, "Shauna, yeah......... you're not going to like this part"--it WAS HORRRRRRRRRRRIBLE!!! I seriously think of it every day, and analyze it STILL--two weeks later! But to those of you that know me--now, that's no surprise, is it? ;)
Been tanning..... (whatever SHANNON, goooooooooosh:)
and yeah. been fiiinally getting back into the Word and spending time with Jesus. Been sometime now, since I've actually LOOK FORWARD to it: and I miss that. Why is that we have times in which we're like, "No Jesus... not now." Like, really: how DUMB can humans get? my word. but yeah.
and that's about it, people....
do Pray for me though.... I need P-A-T-I-C-I-E-N-C-E right now, in a certain area.... and it's NOT an area that I have a lot of patience with in the past....
and Deana Carter (country singer) was in town a few days ago... CRAZY.....
I leave you a picture of a picture, of my man Josiah, that I took. (yes, I took the original: annnd this one, lol:): (okay................... so did anyone notice that the picture appeared AT THE TOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY STINKIN' COOOOOOOOOOWS! I HATE BLOGGER SOMETIMES! UGUUUUUUUUUUUUUGHHHHHHHHHHH! :)
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
My Boppin' 'Siah:)
Friday, June 23, 2006
Helloooooooooo one and all.

Well, first of all.
"The Lake House": VERY intense. Don't go see it if you're in the mood for a chick flick. haha. But very good, actually.
Well, ya'll: I've been pretty tired for a few weeks now, so I have to change my diet, see if that helps. If it doesn't" then it's either high Blood sugar (dad's side of the family, too) or it's a Thyroid problem (mom's side of the family).......... So......... please keep me in your prayers. The last few days have been a bit better, as I've been changing my diet. But yeah.
So anyways: it's been getting warmer here! woo woo! So I've been down to the beach, tanning. That's right: t-a-n-n-i-n-g. Not burning!! woo woo!! :P And, I'm closer to the equator! woo woo! haha, okay, so not like Cary and Shannon, but whatev.
My friend Alison and I are on a book fast, and are also studying 1 Corinthians thru out the summer: good book. GREAT book actually, lol.
So, my dearest Heather: if you read this when you get back from your honeymoon: YOU'RE MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARIED. woo woo. But it was a hard day for me actually: thought of you and prayed for you all day: wish I could've been there!! :)
Erin B.: how come you never comment anymore? gosh! LOVE YOU!
So, I'll leave you w/ the cutest message ever: This was on my answering machine the other day,
Bethany (In the background): "Hi Shauna, it's Bethany, I thought I'd just leave you with a very special boy tonight..."
"Josiah, say 'hi Shauna'"
Josiah: (2 years old): "Hi Sauna!!"
Bethany: "Say, 'I love you'"
'Siah: "I wuv wu"
Bethany: "Say 'bye!'"
'Siah: "Byeeeee!!"
Come on: life just doesn't get cuter than this kid.
'K--So I just tried--TWICE--to put that pic here, and it didn't work.
I give up on Bloggger.
Bye! :P
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
I GOT IT! I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MY PERMIT TO DRIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jonny B., wanna' come teach me to drive standard again? You were a good teacher!! :P
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Linedancing, anyone?
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
I LOVE THIS KID!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, so can we say...." AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW???!!!!" enough? Okay, so this is my best friend's kid, Josiah. And he IS the MOST adorable kid. LET ME TELL YOU. I stole this pic off his Uncle's myspace, lol. anyways, no kid can beat this kid. Let me tell you!! And I can't believe how much he has grown! Oh DEAR!! I can only pray that I have a kid THAT beautiful... anways. haha, and I haven't met his little sister, Mercy, yet. so I'm thinking that on Christmas Break, I'll get to:) Okay, this is just my update for now. Busyness for the summer. So life may be crazy! haha! Studying to get my permit in a couple weeks... so PLEASE be praying for me!
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Thursday, May 11, 2006
just thought I'd put a few more...

Okay, so this is Crystal (the first pic): and she's from Maine too! woo woo! and yes... we're in Nashville....and this is me.... kissing a cat fish near the famous Mississippi River (I love spelling that word!) and oh yeah, me feeling so dumb while everyone HAS TO LOOK AT ME and all I WANT TO DO is look at the dancers! it was always so beautiful... anyways....

...."we're not in Kansas anymore".... oops, 'cept we are....and bus oh MY! what a night... I was sick the next two days (not 'cause of the blue hair though! lol)....and last but NOT LEAST, Chris and I posin' to get Darin! woo woo! Don't mind the concert make up, lol.... those lights are BRIGHT! peace, ya'll
...and from overseas...

Okay, so here's the team and I, in Auckland, New Zealand, I do believe. In the back there: the "needle" is the highest point in the Southern Hemisphere.... yeah, I thought it was pretty swee tooo....
and this one? on the left? is us ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ROAD! boy did THAT take some getting used to! hahahaha... but I actually found it weirder coming back, for some odd reason...
oh stink! haha... the one with us with lei's... and they were THE most A-MAZING smelling flowers.... in FIJI! Fiji was where I finally gave over my will, and said that I would be a missionary, if that's what He wanted.... I'm hoping to go back someday... we'll see.
some mo'....

Aww.... fun times, fun times. THis is in Mobile, AL, I believe, and we're performing for a school. and I was also in charge of the "kids moment", and so here I am, tryin' to pump EVERYONE UP!!!

My oh My, this is during our song (David Phelps! woo woo) "Let the Glory Come Down".. and there's good ol' me, hammin' it up: LIKE WE'RE SUPPOSED TO. I loved it!!

hahahahha.... I was the "Compassion Representative" on my tour (check out and you too can sponsor a child! just $32/month, and a child can eat more than he can, receive meds AND hear about Jesus! woo woo!)
TOUR PICS....finally!
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Oh, MY word! (again!...)

Guess who I get to meet ya'll? that's right!! CINDERELLA! On May 26th, ALL my dreams come true! LOL! Our entire office is going to Disneyland (the President and VP feel we deserve a day off and a treat), and I'm sooooooooooo excited! I've NEVER been to a Disney Park!
And for those of you that DO NOT know: I love Cinderella. I hate (okay, maybe not "hate"), but I'm not a big fan of all the other "princesses"... i.e. Snow White, Sleeping Beauty... I don't know, it was just always Cinderella. It's a girl thing, most definitely....
I know of a few women that don't like her, because "she's all about looks and being dressed up", etc. I disagree. What woman DOES NOT want to be beautiful and be desired (see, the Word of God, and "Captivated", by John and Staci Eldridge)... and Cinderella doesn't change who she is.... Prince Charming finds her and loves her, despite the rags she was wearing when he took her foot and put the glass slipper on her. Huh... kind of reminds me of Someone familiar: like our Lord.... Who takes us from filthy rags and gives us beautiful robes. I love how He loves us.
So, I say ALL THAT, to say this: I get to meet Cinderella, and I'm pretty darn excited. And haha, I get to ride the "not-so-scarey" roller coasters (the big ones scare me!) and be a kid for a day! and hahahahahhaha: it's a required day! We're not allowed to NOT be there: isn't that exciting?
So, I shall leave you now..... to each be jealous. and haha, I'm the only one in our office that's never been to Disneyland, or Disneyworld. Fun, fun.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Is he? Or ISN'T he? SOMEONE pleasseee tell me.
Friday, May 05, 2006
Yeah, so my friend....

Yeah, so, um this is my friend Jonathan, and JOHN PIPER.
Like, what the?! Come on, jonathan mason! Hook me up yo'! and oh,
you can check out his myspace at
I'm sure he wouldn't mind. and you can hear one of my friends, Andy:
one his best songs that he's written.
and if you DIDN'T know, john pipers got one amazing quote:
"God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in Him."
and if anyone wants to give me john piper's book, "Desiring God", that'd be sweet. 'cause I don't have any and um, I've never actually read a book of his. But the quote changes my life everytime I read it....
(haha, I know I fooled you ALL! you all thought I'm like an owner of all of Piper's books... but I really do want that book.... and I've heard he's amazing, from many different sources...:)

So, SOMEDAY, I will get better pics of my tour, especially what our stage looked like, etc, but for now, you will just have to settle with the pics that I have... Let's see, I may have to make this a "two-poster", let's see what one I click on.. ahhhh yes. this is me: enjoyable, eh? (man, I miss my long hair.) And I'm not quite sure where we were in our travels: it looks cold: but I'm not wearing long sleeve, lol.... and the next one.... ah yes... here is me and what I THINK is all of my tour.. somewhere, in some state. lol. sorry guys, you know I have a horrible memory! But it's somewhere Wow warm weather, what is that like? Okay, OKAY, I know... you ALL think that's MAD warm here, but it's not. it's like 50 degrees, and I'm always cold. in my apartment: I'm NEVER on my couch w/oo my blanket! lol!.... Okay, these pictures didn't post how I wanted them,..... so I'll try to figure it out w/ the next post. :) STAY TUNED!!
Thursday, May 04, 2006
My Crazy, Crazy Kids.

Okay so here's a pic of most of my counselors, a few had already gone home (there is a few of us that got hidden, lol)... and this is the last day, and they all hated me about an hour before this pic, 'cause I made them all get up so we could have one last chance to pray for each other and encourage one another in the Word. haha. Good times. Anyways, this post is for them.
I love Living Waters w/ all of my heart, but every summer, I was like, "nope, I'm not going back"... haha. and summer of '05 was no exception. I thought I would be living in NH, but God had different plans. Just so happens that the Lord thought I was finally ready for MY dream job: head female counselor. I was always so burdened for the counselors, and I was excited to try to encourage them and have them love Jesus as much as I did.
But the Lord had much to teach me!! He used my counselors to change my life, in so many different ways. In Christian camping, you often have your one or two counselors that truly love Jesus, but it was the opposite. Almost every single one of them had a heart and a passion for Jesus... I was so blessed. We saw over 120 decisions made just in 3 weeks: it could only be God.
And there are soooooo many precious memories: prayer times, laughing times, confrontational times... haha. And for the first time since high school: I wish I could go back.
Living Waters: Know that I am praying for you! And though I don't think it possible :) , I pray that it will be the best summer yet there, for staff and campers. I LOVE YOU!!!!!
Wow, so I'm HORRIBLE...

Wow, okay, so I am most definitely becoming a horrible blogger. sorry ya'll.
Let's see...not whole lot has happened... I lead a typical full-time life: go to work, come home, exercise (though not this week, lol...) and sleep, and do it all over!
Oh, I found a pic of me and one of my dearest friends! Her name is Alison, and we originally both from Calais, but she moved away, she had been a camper of mine one summer at LW, and yeah (I went to school w/ her older brother), and she's about 3-4 years younger, so we never really knew each other.... anyways, well, this summer she was one of my counselors, and we became really really close... and still are! She's like a sister to me! Truly! I praise the Lord for her ALL the time (as you too!).. well, w/o further ado:
haha, there she is! I love her!! (and can you SEE the tan I had? man, I was dark! I still have lines! lol) and some day, you'll see pics of my new hair: she's the one who's hair cut style I got! lol!! Anyways... I think I may post another pic.... but this is it for now.
Oh, I've lived in California for 4 months, and one day.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Sunday, April 23, 2006 town....

Mostly to My Pei'rs.
May: graduated from the BI. Some of you were there! oh MY! thank you for coming! I then spent several weeks with my dearest friend in the world: and some of my other favorites. Took care of Josiah for a week, and realized, how thankful I was that I wasn't a mom yet, but how excited I would be to have my own... haha, SOMEDAY.
June: hhmm, I thought I knew His immediate will for me at the time, but He quickly changed how I saw things, and accepted a job as co-Female Head Counselor and Asst. Program Director. Excited out of my mind, but just starting to get a wee bit scared about the Fall....but He was teaching me the importance and blessing of just "praying on the spot", which would turn out to be life changing....
July: full swing of camp: trials and blessings. $$ for Continentals? Slowly trickeling in....
August: made some great friends with some peeps from Florida, got to be a mentor and a sister to some of those girls. Got the privilege to pray with an amazing prayer warrior, Holly, wow. And then realized just how amazing my counselors were: they gave me or $750 dollars for trip. And I ended up having more money than I thought: I was set to go... still short, but enough for me to travel.
September: rehearsal camp and touring. I loved it. The rest of my money FINALLY came in, on HIS timing...Turned 23 on the 16th: my host mom and kid brought me cupcakes for the whole tour... I was so blessed. I was enjoying my life...(Did I mention I met a man who had been born in Calais?...)
October: Saw a couple of friends in Florida... but then, depression hit. Hit an all time low on tour. Just couldn't shake the low self esteem and pride... pride b/c "why was I on tour if I wasn't great?". But at the end, I just finally realized that I could only go out there and give my best: that's all that I could do. I needed to realize that I was being genuine, and that I needed to become comfortable with myself in my own skin
November: half way thru the month, I realized, "Oh MY word, I have no idea what I'm doing for my life in 3 weeks".... God soon answered. I was asked if I would consider a job with the Continentals... I knew my answer. Then I just sat back and enjoyed New Zealand and Fiji. haha. In Fiji, I said "Ok, Lord. I'll be a missionary if You want me to be." I left some of my heart there....
December: on the 4th, I accepted the job with the Continentals. Flew "home" (N.Hampshire)... had a wonderful few weeks with my dearest friends... did the drastic "hair cut", spent a few days with a couple other dear friends.... finally went home, packed up my life in 2 weeks, into 2 suitcases..... then...
January: the 2nd: flew out to Los Angeles, California. Traveled 2 hours to begin a new adventure. Loved my job... oh yeah: then saw Jonny as he started out his 3 month adventure!
February and March: life got tough. The reality of it all hitting me, and it was almost unbearable. Between not spending time with my Lord and missing my friends sooooo badly, I didn't know what to do. But I knew all along... I soon started regularly attending RealityCarpenteria... and that was the beginning of my life changing time out here...(Oh yeah, I got to see my other friend Jon, and Nate, as they came to visit me, as they were out here in SoCal... one of THE best times that I've had yet out here..)
April: Finally realized that my life isn't about me: It's ALL about Him. And what He wants to do thru me. His Word, once again, became a priority, and so did just spending time with Him. I'm sick of all the excuses that I had come up with to become a lazy, lukewarm Christian. I was sick of hiding in my shell, wanting others to just like me.... I started being who I wanted to be.
So, this is where I am. I am by NO means at a perfect spiritual state, (Lord, may I never reach it 'til I am with You)... as I still struggle daily, just waking up to spend time with Him. But life is so much more beautiful when you do.
Pei'rs, thank you soooooooooooo much for your precious prayers. They have helped to mold me and change me. I can't wait for you to get your reward.... and I can't WAIT to see you again: not only on your island, but to spend eternity with you. I will never forget you.
God Bless.
"When You said unto me, 'Seek ye My face'; My heart said unto You, 'Your face Lord, will I seek." ~Psalm 27:8
Thursday, April 20, 2006
sorry, it's been a while...
well, I've been having a GREAT day. Let me tell you . Work was just amazing. I've been emailing university after university, about contact info for instrumentalist/vocalists, and today I was reaping a harvest!! What a blessing! The first thing, was that I received an email from a secretary, saying she was an ex-con (those of you that don't know, that means EX-CONTINENTAL, haha) so that was suuuch an encouragement! and then it just went on from there. What a blessing today was, surely, it was from the Lord.
And I was already on a high 'cause I had some time with Jesus this morning, just not enough. It had been a few days, and I was draining, but this morning was good. Always remember that in order to flow out: you need to be taking it in.
And what a beautiful few days it has been here. Quite fabulous. and tomorrow is Friday! woo woo! STARBUCKS day! haha.
let's see, honestly, not much to report. I thought I was going to a concert tonight, but my friends decided not to go. So, it's kind of a bummer 'cause I ran around like a chicken w/ its head cut off, getting ready for it... but, I just try to realize that the Lord's got a reason for it: who knows? maybe I would've been in an accident, ya' know? Or maybe someone's going to call, or something. Or maybe I'll never know: but I know that it's okay. I'm in Jesus' hands, and He's in His Father's. (although, He's my Daddy too... yay!)
Sunday, April 16, 2006
New "Edit"ions....
Great day! first of all... it's a 3 day weekend! (well, it was, anyways.) Had Friday off.... went to a Service that night at Reality.... it was sweet. They ended it by bringing out a wooden cross, and had paper and pencils for us, and we were to think of a sin that we had commited (habitual, or something that we just can not seem to give God and have Him keep it!) and go up and literally nail it to the cross. It was awesome. Ya' know though, it's cool, how He works. Because for some people, it was a very emotional time: and there's nothing wrong with that at all! But for me: it wasn't. It was just, "ya' know Shauna, this is your sin, and you need to do something about it." So I did! I find that many Christians today try to make every decision and life changing moments be emotional: but it doesn't have to be! Not every salvation in Scripture or life-changing moments were emotional: they just did it! (and He just did it!)
anyways, and so my roomate went to celebrate Easter with her boyfriend at his parents place, so I gots the place to myself! (yikes:( anyone remember my first week at Bev's by myself? haha... ) But I did a very thorough SPRING CLEANING!! yay! and finished the night before Easter by watching "the 10 Commandments"! That's right, the good one, with Charleton Heston!! Gotta' love it!!
Easter at Reality ( and then time with a family tomorrow that I barely even know! Yikes!! haha, but it should be good. They're good friends of my roomate, so it'll be a good time, that's for sure!! Love you all!!
Nettie, how was the birthday?? :0)
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Today I am......
that's it.
tired. 'cause I didn't get to bed 'til almost one, due to a Young Con concert (which was TOTALLY amazing... totally) that I went to.
so I'm exhausted.
but I don't have to work tomorrow.
and nettie's birthday is tomorrow! yea!
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Just got back from exercising on the beach: yay!!!!!!!! Wish ya'll could be here. That'd be awesome. Come visit me! It's so beautiful here!! Must be 70 something degrees here today, yay!!!!!!!!!!!!! Saturday mornings there's a market with all fresh veggies and fruits (holy cow: NOTHING beats the oranges here!!), and then until 1pm, down by the beach, there's a little market where you can buy clothes, artwork, ice cones (yay!), etc. It's great!
The Lord and I hung out yesterday, and I remembered back when I was "growin up" and even recently, when I (and every other human being) dreamed about living by the ocean... being able to hear it everyday! AND I DO! Now granted, I by no means have a beach front apartment (who in their right mind can afford it?! haha) Anyways...I love it. And since it's the end of "winter" here, everything is green! At least for a few more weeks before it never rains again 'til next winter! It's crazy.... I finally took some pics, haha, but once again, I don't have a digi! But my roomie does, so maybe someday...:O)
I'm watching "the Making of the Ten Commandments", you know, the one that airs on ABC soon? It's crazy, everything: every article of clothing, every prop, every shoe, even the entire palace: has been hand made and made specifically for this movie! It's crazy!
well, I'll probably blog later this week ya'll. Have a great day with Jesus!
Sunday, April 02, 2006
70th Post: PCH & Jesus
Well, I told you on Friday that I would probably post again: and here I am, I'm back. I just wanted to let you all know that today I went to Malibou w/ my roommate and got some ice cream.... and we looked for dolphins on the PCH (Pacific Coast Highway), but whenever I'm with her, she never sees them: so neither have I: yet. Anyways... and today it was warm enough for "tank tops" (exercise tanks, or "wife beaters"), so my roommate and I walked down the path by the beach.... people out surfing.... first time I've seen people ride the waves! So that was pretty sweet....
and I know that many of you know that I thought I had found "the church" that I was going to faithfully attend.... but, for certain reasons, I won't be going there. I've gone w/ my roommate now a few times to Reality Carpenteria ( , Reality, being the church, and Carpenteria, the city it's in. (neighbor to Santa Barbara, which is beautiful, by the way). The Pastor's there, they just, they really love Jesus. You can tell that they love to talk about Him, and it's just been amazing. They were on Part X of a series on Prayer, and it's been amazing. Last week it was Prayer & Fasting (yeah, GBC C&C group) and this week it was on Praying Scripture, which I had been really into doing last summer and fall, but got out of it. So it was sweet. Anyways, my roommate and I go to the Prayer time at 7:30, and then the service at 8:30..... and it's just so sweet. You truly walk out of there, pumped to live (like, for Christ, not to just go have fun). Honestly.... it's awesome. And things may change, but as of right now... how can I not keep going there? When for the first time since being here... I've found people that truly love Jesus? Not that church is all about what YOU get out of it, but that's for a later day.
Well, I'm exhausted. I've had a full day already--and it's only 4:30! And I have much to do...I was going to go to the beach and read down there, but I'm not going to want to walk back up the hill... so, I'm not going to. Anyways, miss ya'! Write me and let me know how things are going!
and Jonathan: how in the WORLD (no pun intended) do you have relatives in Buenos Aires? What the?!
Friday, March 31, 2006
So imagine me doing my laundry, craving sleep...and just started to watch a movie, when, ha, Bev calls! But imagine more we didn't get off the phone for 2 1/2 hours!! Argh!! So I'm tired, BUT, it just made me think of you (pei'rs) more and how much I miss you, so it was worth it. And it was some pretty sweet fellowship: and I don't just mean catchin' up on everything: but praisin' Jesus while we were at it! Love you girl!! But if I didn't get off the phone 'til 10:30 pm....just think of Bev's 2:30 a.m....crazy!
Anyways.... had a good work day. Well, especially the end anyways. Had a really great conversation with a recruit of mine... just talkin' and laughin' and thinkin' of ways to get closer to the Lord: it was pretty sweet. And get this yo': she now lives in Miami, FL: but just moved from London, Ontario: I HAVE FRIENDS FROM THERE! Crazy!!
I miss singing.... and I don't even mean performance wise: I mean, like, singing for practice. And I can't get as loud or as strong as I want--'cause I live in such a small apartment!! :(
Sorry it's random...I may blog later this weekend.... I'm so excited for church!!
and oh, you all would love my hair now: it's red and blonde:)
Monday, March 27, 2006
THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: Oh my word, how amazing!! My friends and I saw it Friday each of them had seen it before, but I never had. And I never knew anything about it, going into the movie, except that C.S. Lewis had written the books, and that there was a parallel w/ Christian events and people. But let me tell you, I honestly got more out of watching that than I did the Passion. I know, I know, Narnia's characters are all animals...but I think that when I watch movies like the Passion, I always view them with a critical, "oh that never would have been allowed (women at the flogging scene) or more stuff still would've happen (like Jesus' bear being plucked out, etc.)....but with Narnia, I don't know. It was just so awesome. The scene that got me the most was when Aslan willingly lays his life down: and on his way up to the altar, all the beasts are mocking him, and kicking him, and whatever else they were all doing....and it just hit me: that we have no idea what Jesus was going thru on a spiritual level. Yes, the worst part was being separated from our Father on that tree, but can you imagine all the spiritual darkness that He felt? Do you not believe that possibly every demon that had ever been created, was there, mocking Him and laughing at Him? And the fact that He endured all that: for me? I know, I know, that He was there doing that, for the Father's will: but, He did that for ME. FOR ME I tell you!! How awesome is our God?!
And the other part that got me, was the famous line, "....He is not tame you know." "Yes, but He is good." That's my God! No one can tame Him, but He is good!
"Shauna, it is a mere child's book and movie...."
"True....but 'Suffer the little children to come unto Me'"
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
So, I finally just watched, "The Sixth Sense" for the first time everyone. I know, I know...I'm 23 years old, and that movie came out quite some time ago: I was too chicken to watch it when it came out, and plus, it's about "dead people", and in real life--dead people/ghosts don't do that, so there's that. ANYWAYS...I had been talking about this not too long ago, and some friends were like, "do you know how it ends"? And I was like, "no", and they're like, "really? No one's ruined the end for you?" So, "no...guess not." So, anyways, it happened to be Saturday night's movie, so I watched it: and wow...what an ending. There's 5 minutes left in the movie, and I'm like, "What the crap?! There's no "ending...." so I was gettin' real frustrated: but let me tell you: wow. What an ending. My jaw literally dropped. craziness. I loved it. And I love Bruce Willis (I know, I'm a girl, and I love Bruce Willis) and I love that kid actor. He's amazing. My roommate doesn't think he can act, but I'm the one that's right!!:) (I love my roommate!)
Anyways, oh, AI last night: Catherine all the way. and Mandeeza. Top 2 girls right there. Paris: 3rd. The blonde chick...the last one that sang: she's gotta' go. Although that was her BEST vocal performance yet, she looked horrible. Gentlemen: Chris didn't actually do incredibly "wowish" last night, but he's always amazing. Ace didn't either...and i didn't care for his little "falsetto" at the end....I thought it kind of ruined it actually. Taylor Hicks: he's amazing, and I will buy his cd, HOWEVER, it was the song that ruined last night for him. I'm thinkin' he'll be in the bottom 3 tonight. Bucky: he's just horrible. Well, he shouldn't have made it this far anyways..and little kevin's gotta' go too. Although he's worked A LOT on controlling his vibrato. And I love the song that he performed....(I just don't like it when he performs Josh Groban, which he's done 2x's time now, b/c, well, he's not Josh Groban:) )
well, that's my update. I'm going to bed early, so I'm not watching AI tonight, so I'll find out tomorrow. Or if any Canadian peep wants to call me and let me know, that'll work too. Anyways...had a bit of a rough day, so I had some time with Jesus...and am chillaxin' and will soon make supper and watch P&P...
Saturday, March 18, 2006
American Idol....
And, Oh yeah, Justin Guirreno's (or whatever his last name is) "Let's Stay Together" (amazing oldie) amazing too. But the best singer did win that season.
Well, that's my spiel. On American Idol. My predictions for this season? For a guy: Chris. (I think that's his name, we call him "Dan", 'cause Chris looks just like our friend Dan, so none of us know his name) Yeah, the guy with the amazingly, sweet looking sideburns. He's amazing. Let's see....but Taylor Hicks....he's my personal favorite. His album will be the first album that I buy though. He's amazing...but I don't think he'll go all the way.... Let's see, Girls. I don't know their names....but, the girl that's really good...GOSH: she's taller, dark....and she's just really cute, like, one time she was like, "I don't want all them looking at my butt". Oh well, guys, I can't remember her name...but she's really good...smooth voice....but Mandeeza may just go all the way too. She's been on a cd before, did you know that?
well, that's finally it. Hope you all are having, or did have, a great weekend. I'm going to spend some time with Jesus and the Patriarchs...write me!!
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
The Sutherlands
So, I usually do nothing besides emailing and blogs on the net, but hadn't seen last weeks "24", so I did some googling. And when I did, I came across Kiefer (obviously:). So, I'm reading his (and the rumor's not true: HE'S NOT GAY!!)...noticed that he lived in Canada for a little then I click on his father's name, "donald", and, well, low and behold, look at what I found, "Born in St. John, NB, Canada"!! Like, what the?! How cool!! Gosh, I've been there numerous times! It's only 1 1/2 hrs from my house in Maine! Anyways, then, "he grew up and graduated H.S. in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, Canada."!! HELLO??!! I've been there! My choir tour went there!! Come on people...isn't this cool? (and, by the way, you can check out Donald in a couple favorite movies of mine in, "A Time To Kill", and "Pride and Prejudice") PLUS: Erin's grandmother, use to babysit Donald!! Like, HELLO!!?? Ever cool!! Anyways...
I just wanted to share my joy....
Ya' know, they say that thru every 7 people....there's someone famous--and it only took 3 for me! Anyone else have any crazy stories?
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
A Simple...Life Changing Day in the Life of Shauna...
Aiight, we go. Tonight, well, tonight was life changing. I now only have 4 weeks left in my Bible study that I go to in which we study, "the Patriarchs" (a Beth Moore study)...and it was here, back in January, that it hit me just what I've done...(ya' know...moving 3000 miles...that sort of stuff). But it was here tonight, that the Lord showed me why: HE WANTS TO BLESS ME! Tonight we were studying Jacob (Israel) wrestling God...and boy oh boy, it was a doosie! Here we go, here's the quote: "IN EVERY STRUGGLE DO NOT LET GO UNTIL THE BLESSING COMES." There we go: that's it. In a matter of 2 mili seconds, the last two weeks flashed before my longing to see my longing for ...just something. And yeah: The Lord was just like, "Shauna, DON'T LET GO! I'm still wrestling--and not letting you go!" Isn't that amazing? God could've ended that "lil" wrestling match in no time...but He wanted to bless Jacob! (By changing his name! Praise the Lord! Who would want "Deceiver" to be their name?)
And hey, some food for thought: (as I go to bed, 'cause I'm exhausted now:0)
"Few things define us MORE than our struggles." --What do your struggles say about you?
Friday, March 10, 2006
Okay, so, THE REAL ME.
This last week has been really, really hard. Not nec. spiritually, like in the past since I've been here. But like, a hard time being away from those that I love. Honestly, I know, can you believe it? The girl that never gets home sick, the girl that never calls home (I still don''s not home that I miss so much),...this girl, this little girl, so misses the true FELLOWSHIP with some of her friends that she's cried twice this last week. Like, listening to Andy's cd, and I'm just like, sitting there, with tears streaming down my face, because, I don't know what I'd do if I can't see them again. Honestly...I don't know what I would do.
I just feel like, the best moments of my life are over...honestly. (and my word---I'm only 23) I don't know how to explain it. Like, there's a hole, where my friends used to be. That's what it feels like. Like I don't know if I'll ever other friends that I can share my heart with, and pour my heart out to them...will I ever have a truly "great time"? My friend Marco at work is like ('cause I had a really, really hard day at work), "Go out and do something this week. Have fun." and I was like, "Marco...I don't know if I've truly had a time that I've come back to my apartment and been like, 'man, now that was fun'": 'cause honestly, I don't think that I have. Just when my friend's Jonathan and Nate (from NH) were here...crazy, I know.
So, that's me. I don't know how to explain it guys...sorry...but that's me.