Oh, how I miss hearing from you all! :)
Well, PEI'rs, I just sent you guys an email, so you should be getting that... as far as life...
mmm... not so much a lot. I DIIIIIID go to a Dodgers game----quuuuuuuite exciting. and then I performed two days later, w/ some office people, in Ojia, CA, for a luncheon for Seniors. Had a couple of solos--of course: I did NOT good, lol. No really: and I'm not just saying that. Like, we were all watching the video tape, and my co-worker Todd goes, "Shauna, yeah......... you're not going to like this part"--it WAS HORRRRRRRRRRRIBLE!!! I seriously think of it every day, and analyze it STILL--two weeks later! But to those of you that know me--now, that's no surprise, is it? ;)
Been tanning..... (whatever SHANNON, goooooooooosh:)
and yeah. been fiiinally getting back into the Word and spending time with Jesus. Been sometime now, since I've actually LOOK FORWARD to it: and I miss that. Why is that we have times in which we're like, "No Jesus... not now." Like, really: how DUMB can humans get? my word. but yeah.
and that's about it, people....
do Pray for me though.... I need P-A-T-I-C-I-E-N-C-E right now, in a certain area.... and it's NOT an area that I have a lot of patience with in the past....
and Deana Carter (country singer) was in town a few days ago... CRAZY.....
I leave you a picture of a picture, of my man Josiah, that I took. (yes, I took the original: annnd this one, lol:): (okay................... so did anyone notice that the picture appeared AT THE TOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY STINKIN' COOOOOOOOOOWS! I HATE BLOGGER SOMETIMES! UGUUUUUUUUUUUUUGHHHHHHHHHHH! :)
Try Flickr- a few more steps but more versatility.
dear friend i love. dear friend i can't write that much because i never ever have time on the computer at camp (don't even tell me you can't remember the lines here for computers) anyways......i miss you and love your life there in california. i want to visit you. are you in love? miss you
love erin bredin
The picture placement thing drove me nuts too. To fix it, cut and paste the text that the program puts into your text box with all the HTML code after the text you want it under. Blogger WILL behave if you train it to submit. :^)
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