Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Christians Compromise Too Much.

Why is it that Christians compromise too much? Or at all?

Take for instance, the action of swearing. I know of non-Christians that don't swear, and find it offensive when people do. But what about Christians swearing? Why is it that so many do? There's really no need for it: how many millions of words are out there, and yet so many choose dumb words? Anyways...I find it disgusting.

And people have given me the excuse of "well, it's cultural". So what?? DO YOU NOT THINK THAT GOD DOES NOT UNDERSTAND CULTURE--AND UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU'RE THINKING--EVEN BEFORE YOU SAY IT? Anyways...I'm just so sick of this compromising thing: especially in this area. NOW I'M NOT SAYING that I've never sworn, or that the words never enter my head, or that I never ever ever will for the rest of my life: but when the average (supposed) on-fire-for-God person uses curses in their every day talk: then the Lord CAN NOT be the person that they're living for. Our speech is to be "seasoned with salt", and swearing is anything by "gentle, good, loving, patient..." etc, etc.

Do you all get my drift?

well...thanks for letting me vent. I like this blog thing.

Monday, January 24, 2005

My future.

so, guess what guys? I've been thinking about MY FUTURE--and it's okay!! I was talking with my best friend and my mother last night. And I've gotten really excited about my future! I know that I'll have to be in maine long enough to get my license (I know, I know), but after that--it may be New Hampshire--or Texas!! Exciting, eh? This is what I'm hoping anyways. I've been thinking about working in Bar Harbor for the summer too, but I don't know how that'll work out. I really need to get my license. Anyways...I just thought I'd update you all on me, and if you ever think of me, shout up a prayer, eh? Thank you you all!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Do You Think? Or do you Pray?

The Lord has been teaching me a lesson: Do I think? Or do I pray? Because You know what He's been showing me? That thinking IS NOT praying!! Sure, the Lord knows our thoughts: but that's not prayer! When He was teaching the disciples to pray, He didn't say, "Think about all your problems for a while"--He told us to say, "Give us our daily bread". In Philippians 4, Paul tells us to "think" on those things that are noble, and true, etc--because what we think will eventually become what we say and do!! So, instead of just THINKING about praying--DO IT!!

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Change is Inevitable.

well...hello there everyone. Just me, back again.

Can I just say that, when you know you're in God's will, and you know why you are, don't get all dumb by being distracted by things, such as the future ... that has been the biggest hindrance in my spiritual walk the last 4 months or so. and it's funny how, when God shows you one thing in your life that you need to change, that a lot of other areas in your life change as well. and I was reading my counseling textbook how as Christians: we need to embrace change as that is how we become Christ-like! No one can become Christ-like by staying the same all the time. We need not fear change (unless it's caused by sin) !!!! And although I am "scared" of the month of May (that's when "the rest of my life" begins!), I know that God has not given me tomorrow: so how can I live today, as if it was the last day of my life? Will I be a snob? Will I be selfish? Will I be unforgiving? Will I be lazy? Or will I be the Shauna that the Lord has called me to be today (or tomorrow, seeing how's it like 11 pm....way past my bedtime!)

well, that's just a little thought for you. And here's a suggestion: Whatever it is that you've been doing for devo's the last little while: change it up. Change is good!!

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

and.....she's off!

that's right! My friend megan is now in PERU!!!!!!!!!!! I'm wicked excited for her!

My break went pretty well....I watched a whole lot of movies the 2nd week, but it's all good....

today I move into my new place here on the island! A whole place to my self for a month? Can you believe it? HA!

well...that's my life the last few weeks. Hope you enjoyed it.:)