Wow, okay, so I am most definitely becoming a horrible blogger. sorry ya'll.
Let's see...not whole lot has happened... I lead a typical full-time life: go to work, come home, exercise (though not this week, lol...) and sleep, and do it all over!
Oh, I found a pic of me and one of my dearest friends! Her name is Alison, and we originally both from Calais, but she moved away, she had been a camper of mine one summer at LW, and yeah (I went to school w/ her older brother), and she's about 3-4 years younger, so we never really knew each other.... anyways, well, this summer she was one of my counselors, and we became really really close... and still are! She's like a sister to me! Truly! I praise the Lord for her ALL the time (as you too!).. well, w/o further ado:
haha, there she is! I love her!! (and can you SEE the tan I had? man, I was dark! I still have lines! lol) and some day, you'll see pics of my new hair: she's the one who's hair cut style I got! lol!! Anyways... I think I may post another pic.... but this is it for now.
Oh, I've lived in California for 4 months, and one day.
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