Wednesday, March 22, 2006

well, wow, thanks for all the comments guys on the previous post. I'll have to talk about AI more often.

So, I finally just watched, "The Sixth Sense" for the first time everyone. I know, I know...I'm 23 years old, and that movie came out quite some time ago: I was too chicken to watch it when it came out, and plus, it's about "dead people", and in real life--dead people/ghosts don't do that, so there's that. ANYWAYS...I had been talking about this not too long ago, and some friends were like, "do you know how it ends"? And I was like, "no", and they're like, "really? No one's ruined the end for you?" So, "no...guess not." So, anyways, it happened to be Saturday night's movie, so I watched it: and wow...what an ending. There's 5 minutes left in the movie, and I'm like, "What the crap?! There's no "ending...." so I was gettin' real frustrated: but let me tell you: wow. What an ending. My jaw literally dropped. craziness. I loved it. And I love Bruce Willis (I know, I'm a girl, and I love Bruce Willis) and I love that kid actor. He's amazing. My roommate doesn't think he can act, but I'm the one that's right!!:) (I love my roommate!)

Anyways, oh, AI last night: Catherine all the way. and Mandeeza. Top 2 girls right there. Paris: 3rd. The blonde chick...the last one that sang: she's gotta' go. Although that was her BEST vocal performance yet, she looked horrible. Gentlemen: Chris didn't actually do incredibly "wowish" last night, but he's always amazing. Ace didn't either...and i didn't care for his little "falsetto" at the end....I thought it kind of ruined it actually. Taylor Hicks: he's amazing, and I will buy his cd, HOWEVER, it was the song that ruined last night for him. I'm thinkin' he'll be in the bottom 3 tonight. Bucky: he's just horrible. Well, he shouldn't have made it this far anyways..and little kevin's gotta' go too. Although he's worked A LOT on controlling his vibrato. And I love the song that he performed....(I just don't like it when he performs Josh Groban, which he's done 2x's time now, b/c, well, he's not Josh Groban:) )

well, that's my update. I'm going to bed early, so I'm not watching AI tonight, so I'll find out tomorrow. Or if any Canadian peep wants to call me and let me know, that'll work too. Anyways...had a bit of a rough day, so I had some time with Jesus...and am chillaxin' and will soon make supper and watch P&P...



Anonymous said...

I freaked out when I first saw it too, I was sittign in the front row and the whole theater heard me gasp...

shauna marie said...

nice, nice nettie. real nice.

The Book Worm said...

Your lucky. Someone ruined the ending for me.