I guess... that I am as bad as everyone else at blogging, eh?
Whoops, my bad... here are some pics: one over looks part of Ventura (you can probably see my apartment--you just don't know which one it is) and the other is a friend from work, Chantal and I: just before we started playin' volleyball...
Not a whole lot has happened in the last month... been a rough month though: in almost every way... I am going on vacation from Sept.14th-Sept18th... to go be with my best friend Bethany and her family in NH: please keep me in prayer, as I am flying out the night of the 13th.. and I am beginning to remember why I DISlike flying... but I am looking forward to having some time to myself while traveling and watching people... and seeing God's creation (though, that's a bit tough at night, lol)...
NO idea if I'm going back east for Christmas though... though I would love to see you all... :( hhmmm.....
please comment people! I KNOW you read! lol!! and, feel free to come visit me! My friends Nathanael and Lisa were just here for 2 days... as they're on vacation for 10 days... so THAT was FANTASTIC.... :)
and Bible Study is back in swing! Studying the Book of Daniel!! I'm Soooooooooooo excited... as studying that makes me miss the BI. and...
Have I EVER mentioned how much I love my church?
Hi Shauna!
Nice to read an update. It would be so cool to go visit you. My cousins live in California, so maybe if I ever visited them I could find a way to make the drive to Ventura.
Anyways. I miss you
Shauna, you're awesome. I'm praying for you.
Miss ya Shauna! Hope things are going well well! Love ya!
you never told me you loved your church. reading that blessed my heart. its amazing to go to a church you love with all your heart and learn about God. that rocks. i am pumped you get to have a vacation. i wish i could see you. miss ya. love ya
erin bredin
Hi Shauna!!! (high voice)
i sooo wish you would be able to come to pei!!! especially you know next summer say for July 7th!..lol! know that i miss you soooo much!!! i hope all is well:)
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