Monday, November 06, 2006 of the best weekends of my life...

No lie. I just had probably had one of THE best weekends of my life. It was spent in Big Bear, CA... Big Bear is basically at the top of a huge mountain that terrifies you to drive just in a car: so imagine going up and down on a bus, lol.

Anyways, it was an 18-30's "retreat", lol, which ended up being not so much of a "relax and sleep" retreat, but a conference... and it was amazing. The theme of the retreat was "Soon...": symbolizing, the Rapture of the church. See, Reality and Calvary Chapel churches doctrinely teach the Rapture of the Church... (yay!)... so the weekend's focus was totally on that. And how we should be living right now... as He could return at ANY moment! Even before you finish reading this (or me typing) blog! HOW AMAZING IS THAT?! WHAT AN AMAZING GOD WE HAVE! AND HE CALLS US HIS CHILDREN. He is truly more than anyone can ever think, feel or imagine. Praise His name.

Oh yeah, and at church, we often sing this song, called, "Hallejuah Jesus"... and it's one of those songs that, you can't even handle singing it all... 'cause you can't: you seriously just in such awe and praise of Him that you can't handle doing anything more than just thinking. Anyways... so, just so happens: the guy that wrote that song was the Praise & Worship leader for most of the camp:

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and so yeah. He's amazing. check out that song and more at You won't be disapointed.

anyways, so the weekend was amazing. Definitely enjoyed seeing leaves on the ground and the (*Gasp*): 40 something weather, lol. But mostly: there were 2 moments that I honestly thought Jesus was going to come for us right then: 'cause I just couldn't hold in how much I loved Him at those moments. Amazingness. That's our God. My arms: seriously are sore from having them raised for so long. PRAISE HIM.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on passing your drivers test. I am glad to hear that your moving back east! This means you can come visit the Island.

Anonymous said...

yay. that rules. you are awesome. i love how much you love JESUS.
love erin b.

Anonymous said...
