Friday, March 31, 2006


So it's a Friday night, 6:38 pm, and I am exhausted out of my head. Well, not quite that bad, but yesterday definitely. TOUR O was back in town before they got on a plane for Hong Kong at 12:30 pm the night before, a few of us hung out: well, needless to say: I fell asleep on the chair at 12:30 a.m...and still didn't leave 'til like 1:20. I know! I KNOW! Even though I live on the SAME STREET as my friends.....I just very dislike walking home in the dark....anyways, so yeah, and so I came home, only to wake up at about 5:30 a.m...just a few hours later....crazy.

So imagine me doing my laundry, craving sleep...and just started to watch a movie, when, ha, Bev calls! But imagine more we didn't get off the phone for 2 1/2 hours!! Argh!! So I'm tired, BUT, it just made me think of you (pei'rs) more and how much I miss you, so it was worth it. And it was some pretty sweet fellowship: and I don't just mean catchin' up on everything: but praisin' Jesus while we were at it! Love you girl!! But if I didn't get off the phone 'til 10:30 pm....just think of Bev's 2:30 a.m....crazy!

Anyways.... had a good work day. Well, especially the end anyways. Had a really great conversation with a recruit of mine... just talkin' and laughin' and thinkin' of ways to get closer to the Lord: it was pretty sweet. And get this yo': she now lives in Miami, FL: but just moved from London, Ontario: I HAVE FRIENDS FROM THERE! Crazy!!

I miss singing.... and I don't even mean performance wise: I mean, like, singing for practice. And I can't get as loud or as strong as I want--'cause I live in such a small apartment!! :(

Sorry it's random...I may blog later this weekend.... I'm so excited for church!!

and oh, you all would love my hair now: it's red and blonde:)

Monday, March 27, 2006


Okay, so I blogged about this the other night: only for my roomate's laptop to lose the connection, so here I go again:

THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: Oh my word, how amazing!! My friends and I saw it Friday each of them had seen it before, but I never had. And I never knew anything about it, going into the movie, except that C.S. Lewis had written the books, and that there was a parallel w/ Christian events and people. But let me tell you, I honestly got more out of watching that than I did the Passion. I know, I know, Narnia's characters are all animals...but I think that when I watch movies like the Passion, I always view them with a critical, "oh that never would have been allowed (women at the flogging scene) or more stuff still would've happen (like Jesus' bear being plucked out, etc.)....but with Narnia, I don't know. It was just so awesome. The scene that got me the most was when Aslan willingly lays his life down: and on his way up to the altar, all the beasts are mocking him, and kicking him, and whatever else they were all doing....and it just hit me: that we have no idea what Jesus was going thru on a spiritual level. Yes, the worst part was being separated from our Father on that tree, but can you imagine all the spiritual darkness that He felt? Do you not believe that possibly every demon that had ever been created, was there, mocking Him and laughing at Him? And the fact that He endured all that: for me? I know, I know, that He was there doing that, for the Father's will: but, He did that for ME. FOR ME I tell you!! How awesome is our God?!

And the other part that got me, was the famous line, "....He is not tame you know." "Yes, but He is good." That's my God! No one can tame Him, but He is good!

"Shauna, it is a mere child's book and movie...."

"True....but 'Suffer the little children to come unto Me'"

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

well, wow, thanks for all the comments guys on the previous post. I'll have to talk about AI more often.

So, I finally just watched, "The Sixth Sense" for the first time everyone. I know, I know...I'm 23 years old, and that movie came out quite some time ago: I was too chicken to watch it when it came out, and plus, it's about "dead people", and in real life--dead people/ghosts don't do that, so there's that. ANYWAYS...I had been talking about this not too long ago, and some friends were like, "do you know how it ends"? And I was like, "no", and they're like, "really? No one's ruined the end for you?" So, "no...guess not." So, anyways, it happened to be Saturday night's movie, so I watched it: and wow...what an ending. There's 5 minutes left in the movie, and I'm like, "What the crap?! There's no "ending...." so I was gettin' real frustrated: but let me tell you: wow. What an ending. My jaw literally dropped. craziness. I loved it. And I love Bruce Willis (I know, I'm a girl, and I love Bruce Willis) and I love that kid actor. He's amazing. My roommate doesn't think he can act, but I'm the one that's right!!:) (I love my roommate!)

Anyways, oh, AI last night: Catherine all the way. and Mandeeza. Top 2 girls right there. Paris: 3rd. The blonde chick...the last one that sang: she's gotta' go. Although that was her BEST vocal performance yet, she looked horrible. Gentlemen: Chris didn't actually do incredibly "wowish" last night, but he's always amazing. Ace didn't either...and i didn't care for his little "falsetto" at the end....I thought it kind of ruined it actually. Taylor Hicks: he's amazing, and I will buy his cd, HOWEVER, it was the song that ruined last night for him. I'm thinkin' he'll be in the bottom 3 tonight. Bucky: he's just horrible. Well, he shouldn't have made it this far anyways..and little kevin's gotta' go too. Although he's worked A LOT on controlling his vibrato. And I love the song that he performed....(I just don't like it when he performs Josh Groban, which he's done 2x's time now, b/c, well, he's not Josh Groban:) )

well, that's my update. I'm going to bed early, so I'm not watching AI tonight, so I'll find out tomorrow. Or if any Canadian peep wants to call me and let me know, that'll work too. Anyways...had a bit of a rough day, so I had some time with Jesus...and am chillaxin' and will soon make supper and watch P&P...


Saturday, March 18, 2006

American Idol....

Okay, so I borrowed my friend's "American Idol, Season I"...and I thought it was going to be an episode-by-episode thing....but it wasn't. Anyways.....( I didn't know American Idol existed 'til like, the end of Season II) Kelly Clarkson...Now...I think she has an amazing voice...but OH, MY word.....she almost made me cry (I know, I know...I "almost do that" a lot)...because she's THAT GOOD...I mean, her song "Without You" that she competed with, like, holy cow, she, to me, is one of the best singers: like up there with Dion and Houston....seriously... she's that good. I was just completely blown makes me want to buy her cd's even more now.

And, Oh yeah, Justin Guirreno's (or whatever his last name is) "Let's Stay Together" (amazing oldie) amazing too. But the best singer did win that season.

Well, that's my spiel. On American Idol. My predictions for this season? For a guy: Chris. (I think that's his name, we call him "Dan", 'cause Chris looks just like our friend Dan, so none of us know his name) Yeah, the guy with the amazingly, sweet looking sideburns. He's amazing. Let's see....but Taylor Hicks....he's my personal favorite. His album will be the first album that I buy though. He's amazing...but I don't think he'll go all the way.... Let's see, Girls. I don't know their names....but, the girl that's really good...GOSH: she's taller, dark....and she's just really cute, like, one time she was like, "I don't want all them looking at my butt". Oh well, guys, I can't remember her name...but she's really good...smooth voice....but Mandeeza may just go all the way too. She's been on a cd before, did you know that?

well, that's finally it. Hope you all are having, or did have, a great weekend. I'm going to spend some time with Jesus and the Patriarchs...write me!!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Sutherlands

I know, I know, you're thinking, "The Sutherlands?" Well, here's why I'm going to write about them.

So, I usually do nothing besides emailing and blogs on the net, but hadn't seen last weeks "24", so I did some googling. And when I did, I came across Kiefer (obviously:). So, I'm reading his (and the rumor's not true: HE'S NOT GAY!!)...noticed that he lived in Canada for a little then I click on his father's name, "donald", and, well, low and behold, look at what I found, "Born in St. John, NB, Canada"!! Like, what the?! How cool!! Gosh, I've been there numerous times! It's only 1 1/2 hrs from my house in Maine! Anyways, then, "he grew up and graduated H.S. in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, Canada."!! HELLO??!! I've been there! My choir tour went there!! Come on people...isn't this cool? (and, by the way, you can check out Donald in a couple favorite movies of mine in, "A Time To Kill", and "Pride and Prejudice") PLUS: Erin's grandmother, use to babysit Donald!! Like, HELLO!!?? Ever cool!! Anyways...

I just wanted to share my joy....

Ya' know, they say that thru every 7 people....there's someone famous--and it only took 3 for me! Anyone else have any crazy stories?

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

A Simple...Life Changing Day in the Life of Shauna...

Okay, so, it's funny how no one comments on my sad posts!!

Aiight, we go. Tonight, well, tonight was life changing. I now only have 4 weeks left in my Bible study that I go to in which we study, "the Patriarchs" (a Beth Moore study)...and it was here, back in January, that it hit me just what I've done...(ya' know...moving 3000 miles...that sort of stuff). But it was here tonight, that the Lord showed me why: HE WANTS TO BLESS ME! Tonight we were studying Jacob (Israel) wrestling God...and boy oh boy, it was a doosie! Here we go, here's the quote: "IN EVERY STRUGGLE DO NOT LET GO UNTIL THE BLESSING COMES." There we go: that's it. In a matter of 2 mili seconds, the last two weeks flashed before my longing to see my longing for ...just something. And yeah: The Lord was just like, "Shauna, DON'T LET GO! I'm still wrestling--and not letting you go!" Isn't that amazing? God could've ended that "lil" wrestling match in no time...but He wanted to bless Jacob! (By changing his name! Praise the Lord! Who would want "Deceiver" to be their name?)

And hey, some food for thought: (as I go to bed, 'cause I'm exhausted now:0)

"Few things define us MORE than our struggles." --What do your struggles say about you?

Friday, March 10, 2006

Okay, so, THE REAL ME.

Okay, ya'll. Ya'll think that I'm like, this really strong person, but here we go.

This last week has been really, really hard. Not nec. spiritually, like in the past since I've been here. But like, a hard time being away from those that I love. Honestly, I know, can you believe it? The girl that never gets home sick, the girl that never calls home (I still don''s not home that I miss so much),...this girl, this little girl, so misses the true FELLOWSHIP with some of her friends that she's cried twice this last week. Like, listening to Andy's cd, and I'm just like, sitting there, with tears streaming down my face, because, I don't know what I'd do if I can't see them again. Honestly...I don't know what I would do.

I just feel like, the best moments of my life are over...honestly. (and my word---I'm only 23) I don't know how to explain it. Like, there's a hole, where my friends used to be. That's what it feels like. Like I don't know if I'll ever other friends that I can share my heart with, and pour my heart out to them...will I ever have a truly "great time"? My friend Marco at work is like ('cause I had a really, really hard day at work), "Go out and do something this week. Have fun." and I was like, "Marco...I don't know if I've truly had a time that I've come back to my apartment and been like, 'man, now that was fun'": 'cause honestly, I don't think that I have. Just when my friend's Jonathan and Nate (from NH) were here...crazy, I know.

So, that's me. I don't know how to explain it guys...sorry...but that's me.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


hey ya'll...

so...we're having this competition at my work, and guess who won today? Just guess who won at $10 card for STARBUCKS?! That's right peeps, me--!!!!!!!!!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! So excited!! Anyways...I made 69 phone calls today ya'll...just so ya' know. That ties me w/ my previous rec. from Monday...I do believe...

So not a whole lot new. I'm still really sore from running on sunday...I think I'm literally, damaging my body from joints kill everytime I start walking from sitting down. This isn't good--I'm only 23!!!!!!!!

Yesterday was a hard day: my body, my heart: like, literally ached from missing people so bad. It was one of THE hardest days...but the Lord has called me....I must trust my life, my feelings, in my Master's hands. wow....such comfort...yet...still so lonely.

well, ya'll. Peace, out. sorry so random and short...but that's how you know me! (cept the short thing...I'm tall actually:0)

Monday, March 06, 2006

God...Oscars...Headaches...and not in that Order.

Hey ya'll: So: the Oscars. You wanna know the weirdest thing about it all? The fact that it started at 5:30 pm for me. LIke, what? Or at 5 pm...whatever time. Anyways...I'm so used to not even seeing the end because it's so late...and stuff. Anyways, aiight. So, BROKEBACK only won 3, right? Pretty sweet! I was pretty excited. I actually was really excited, pretty much, at all the winners....even though I haven't seen one movie. Almost saw "Memoirs of a Geisha", but couldn't. And of course I refuse to see "Brokeback"...and now that I'm starting to really enjoy Reese Witherspoon...I'm thinking I want to see that movie too. What else. "capote", don't know much about him....but the movie intrigues me. And I'm happy that the Seymore guy got best actor...'cause, well, he's been around for a while, and it was his 1st nomination. And what was up with that "pimp" song, anyways? That was a bit much., yeah. I, SHAUNA MARIE STEVENS, AM IN NEED OF.....glasses. That's right. I said it. I will probably very soon, become a 4-eyed geek. Alright, ya'll...just kidding. But no, really. I think I do. I get really bad headaches and can barely keep my eyes open at work at the end of the day...and sometimes feel neaseaus...bla, bla, bla. That's right. It's totally ridiculous. Totally....

Ran today. Boy, don't I hate exercising.....have I ever mentioned this before?

And I, had a lazy week. So, I'm doing this Bible study, a Beth Moore study...totally amazing, anyways, it's on the Patriarchs......and we have 5 homework assignments...(like a m-f thing), and this week: I honestly, just totally, totally forgot. Isn't that weird? So I will be so dumb tomorrow night during small groups. No joke: I just totally forgot. It was real weird.

And right now, I'm watching "City of Angels". You're right...I totally disagree with the "non-theology" of it all: but, well, angels are pretty cool. If there is one or two or whatever amount, in my apartment right now, they're probably like, "'re such a bum. Go to bed. You're exhuasted...and you have to be ready by 7 am. What are you thinking....and get up and read your Bible tomorrow. You and Jesus need some time together"....So yeah, that's what I'm thinking.

Made some brownies. My chocolate craving was so bad that I made brownies at 8:30 pm. It was fabulous. The best part? licking the spoons and bowl!

So, my friends Jon and Nate were out to see me yesterday!! That's right!! A couple of my peeps from New Hampshire were out to a John MacArthur conference, and they had rented a car, so they came the 65 minutes to see me...and we went downtown....went to the beach, then got in the convertible (that's right ya'll: my 2nd EVER convertible experience!! The first? well, that was actually just a few weeks friend Jimmy's mom's...) and headed to Santa Barbara. Wow: now that's a beautiful place...let me tell you.

Anyways, I need to go now. Peace, out ya'll. Comment!!