Okay, so can we say...." AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW???!!!!" enough? Okay, so this is my best friend's kid, Josiah. And he IS the MOST adorable kid. LET ME TELL YOU. I stole this pic off his Uncle's myspace, lol. anyways, no kid can beat this kid. Let me tell you!! And I can't believe how much he has grown! Oh DEAR!! I can only pray that I have a kid THAT beautiful... anways. haha, and I haven't met his little sister, Mercy, yet. so I'm thinking that on Christmas Break, I'll get to:) Okay, this is just my update for now. Busyness for the summer. So life may be crazy! haha! Studying to get my permit in a couple weeks... so PLEASE be praying for me!