I guess that I am just the queen of randomness, that's all.
So today was Valentines Day. I won't life--I'm lonely. I'd absolutely love to walk into work tomorrow (or somewhere) and just instantly fall in love with the man that the Lord feels is "my best match": the man that I was meant to complete. (although, I don't believe in the "there's-only-one-" thing) Anyways...so what did I do? I watched AMERICAN IDOL (AI). Fun times. This whole "ratings" thing is tickin me off...
so whoa: my dad turned 55 today. He can now get Senior Citizen's discount.
I love the beach. But I miss my closest friend Bethany, and her son Josiah (and her husband, and new little Mercy, but I haven't met her yet.) hey...got's to go. love ya'll.
peace, out
Funny for me... Valentine's Day passes for me and I hardly notice... probably cuz I've never had a Valentine before... not trying to extract pity folks... just the facts! So I guess I don't know what I'm missing out on.
Although I do agree that I would love to walk into a room and have a voice from on high say... go forth, my child, this is the man for you!!! Wouldn't that be a riot?!? It would be much easier, if nothing else!
Miss our talks!
Glad you managed to have some fun anyway...
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