Saturday, February 25, 2006


I believe that every day, the Lord allows us to "glimpse eternity"...and heaven, don't you? Today I went for a run: which, ordinarily, I hate (still sort of did actually), but, well, while I was running...I ran by some bushes, and the smell was just amazing, and refreshing--my reaction was smiling (what geek smiles while running?)....and then, I went to the beach. And I got to put my hands and feet in the Pacific Ocean...not the freezing cold Atlantic Ocean, but in the somewhat cold Pacific Ocean....and I got to feel the sand...and, well, I did a cartwheel: like, what? What 23 old does a cart wheel on the beach. Now granted...there were only three people that probably saw me, but still. And you want to know why I did it? Because I could. In the month of February, I, Shauna Marie Stevens, got to do a cartwheel, at the beach, in the town where I live--like, what the? The smells were amazing...the waves were beautiful....I think my favorite part being, when the waves are really loud, but then all of a sudden, it's so silent, that it even silents your mind, and heart. Oh my word--God is so good!!

In the paraphrase, The Message, in Eph. 5, when Paul is talking about Christ and the churchthe author puts it this way, "He evokes her beauty." So even though creation is as beautiful as it is....imagine, us! Forget that I'm a girl, so obviously some of my deepest longings deal with beauty, but, imagine that GOD evokes our beauty!! He is the one that brings it out in us!! No matter who we are, how dirty we are, how filthy we feel, how "whatever": it has nothing to do with us, but everything to do with Him. That's what He whispers in those still, soft moments.

...May our Lord allow you to to glimpse eternity today....

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


FRESH LAUNDRY: It has got to be one of the TOP 10 best little enjoyments of life, wouldn't you say? Like, even though it now (again) costs me money to do my laundry, and it means walking in the cold (yes, it's cold here in SoCal), and pressing stop to whatever cd I'm listening to or whatever dvd/vhs I'm watching: CLEAN, FRESH, [DOWNY] laundry is one of the most pure, enjoyable "things". It truly is. Like the fact I get to climb into a bed that A.) has flannel sheets (yes, we here in SoCal, most of us use flannel sheets), B.) has a fake goose down feather comforter, and last, but most importantly, C.) smells delightfully like Downy Honeysuckle. OH, MY WORD, life just does NOT get any better than that. Hmm...I wonder what heaven will smell like. That's a new one for me....I've never thought of that.

Thought of something today: Jesus never gave up. I don't know, I've heard it before, but, HE really didn't. Like, not saying I want to quit, but when emailing with a friend about the WORK of ministry, and the "business" that it can become, praise the Lord that He did not give up on us. Even when He had to get on a boat to get away from the crowd: He never gave up. Even though He prayed to our Father, "If You can, take this cup from me" three times, He never gave up. Instead, He saw "the joy that was set before Him". That joy being two things (I think...there could be more, this is just what I have thought of) 1.)He was accomplishing/fulfilling our Father's will. Wow...what a joy...and 2.)He did it for US to be WITH HIM for all of eternity. Wow...

hey, one final comment: How cool is it that we get to say "OUR Father": meaning, our Father, and Jesus' Father. That's pretty sweet. Just meditate on that.

peace, out homies.

ps...can anyone tell that I journaled today?

Sunday, February 19, 2006


I really do....I really love my friends. So when I was a kid....let's just say, fellow school kids weren't that nice to me. (they never came to my birthday parties...they sent clipboards around middle school saying "if you hate Shauna Stevens, sign your name here...", you know, that kind of stuff.) But now my problem is: who do I go to first when I have a problem? or something happy to share? (Though I may not have really too many of those peeps here, but by phone...:0)....

anyways, so I talked with my friend Marcy today...she was a year behind me in Bible School, and we ended up being good friends...A.) 'cause we were in trio together, and B.) she married probably one of my best friends from the BI....but both of my friendships w/ them were on the rocks, at least more than once. Gosh, I hate sin. PRIDE. It kills....not that they were the only ones at fault, there was definitely my H-U-G-E side of things....ANYWAYS....they just got married back in October, while on tour...and that was really hard for me...A.) 'cause their GREAT friends of mine and B.) they would've asked me to sing at their wedding, but they knew I was going to be away....

I SAY ALL THAT TO SAY THIS....I love my friends...and how despite myself, and my sin, and everything in between....they still love me. God is so good. The two of them (and more) have definitely fulfilled scripture by "spuring me on with encouragement and good works": they all kick my butt.

Lazy Christian. That's what I am. But hey: I'm going to church at 7 am tomorrow, not bad, eh? It's actually not even the church that I am seriously going to get involved in, it's my roommate's church...and she goes to Prayer Meeting at 7:30 a.m.....and I really believe that, well, I need to get praying again.

oh my word discipline is SOOOOOOOOO gone in my life. Spiritually, and even physically. (this whole "no exercise thing" is just killin' me.) I just find it so hard to want to sit down and ENJOY my time with Jesus. I so am just so dumb. So dumb...but it's getting better.

well, this is long: PEI peeps....since your the ones that do most of the reading: I miss you all. E.BREDIN--why don't you just come visit me out here--so you're "almost there". and C&C: miss you guys bad. Looked at Baker's site, and watched the video.

and my other dear ones--love you too. Just....start leaving comments....

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


I guess that I am just the queen of randomness, that's all.

So today was Valentines Day. I won't life--I'm lonely. I'd absolutely love to walk into work tomorrow (or somewhere) and just instantly fall in love with the man that the Lord feels is "my best match": the man that I was meant to complete. (although, I don't believe in the "there's-only-one-" thing) what did I do? I watched AMERICAN IDOL (AI). Fun times. This whole "ratings" thing is tickin me off...

so whoa: my dad turned 55 today. He can now get Senior Citizen's discount.

I love the beach. But I miss my closest friend Bethany, and her son Josiah (and her husband, and new little Mercy, but I haven't met her yet.)'s to go. love ya'll.

peace, out

Sunday, February 12, 2006

hey ya'll. I don't really know what to write about, but whatev. This is what a blog is for, right?

so, randomness, once again: Life is good. Life is hard....being passionate in my times with Jesus is real hard right now, but, it's nothing that just opening up His word and journaling won't conquer.

SO: I TOTALLY DO NOT LIKE JARS OF CLAY, so ya'll know. I can not, in any way, support them. They do not share the gospel at their concerts (at least the ones that MY friends have gone to) and my dearest friend Bethany told me today, that when asked to define their music, their response is, "ROCK--with Conscience". WHAT IS THAT? THAT IS TOTALLY TAKING GOD OUT OF THEIR MINISTRY--AND JUST MAKING IT ENTERTAINMENT. I can not, in any way, shape or form, condone that. I am highly disappointed. And they were giving a free concert at a nearby church tonight too...knowing my luck, their probably leading worship there tomorrow, and that's where I'm going...

so, it's the LORD'S DAY tomorrow, are ya'll excited? (even though it's like 4am already, for my pei'rs). I am!!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

My first pen. Well, I should probably explain: a PEN, is, when a recruit confirms on a tour. And I just got my first one--from the very beginning of the application process! (you can get pens that are old recruits, and they don't have to do the whole process)!! Anyways, so I am excited....and esp. since I get a little extra $ next pay check:0)

recommended reading: CAPTIVATING, by John and Staci Eldridge. FOR MEN & WOMEN. It's totally amazing. Totally stinkin' amazing. so good.

So, "REALITY CHECK", is the theme for 2006's Continental Program. TOTALLY STINKIN' AMAZING. If there is a Continental concert ANYWHERE near you, YOU MUST GO. The choreo is amazing....and the songs too!! Someday, they'll have the music up on our Continental's site, but for now, just take my word:0)

love you all.