Friday, April 28, 2006
PEOPLEFISHER.COM IS SWEEETT! It's EXACTLY like a myspace, but Christian. Well, come on now, you're always going to have fakers, but you don't have the adds all around it, so you don't see girls barely dressed, etc. It's awesome! check mine out!!!! (so original, I know! I couldn't think!). Anyways, that's it folks. just wanted you all to know. Thanks for my friend Eric for introducing it to me!
Sunday, April 23, 2006 town....

Mostly to My Pei'rs.
Well, PEI'rs. It's been about 360 days since I have seen almost all of you. Almost a year since I have had fun with you, smiled with you, laughed with you (or haha, AT you), cried with you and learned with you, and from you. So here's what's happened in one year.
May: graduated from the BI. Some of you were there! oh MY! thank you for coming! I then spent several weeks with my dearest friend in the world: and some of my other favorites. Took care of Josiah for a week, and realized, how thankful I was that I wasn't a mom yet, but how excited I would be to have my own... haha, SOMEDAY.
June: hhmm, I thought I knew His immediate will for me at the time, but He quickly changed how I saw things, and accepted a job as co-Female Head Counselor and Asst. Program Director. Excited out of my mind, but just starting to get a wee bit scared about the Fall....but He was teaching me the importance and blessing of just "praying on the spot", which would turn out to be life changing....
July: full swing of camp: trials and blessings. $$ for Continentals? Slowly trickeling in....
August: made some great friends with some peeps from Florida, got to be a mentor and a sister to some of those girls. Got the privilege to pray with an amazing prayer warrior, Holly, wow. And then realized just how amazing my counselors were: they gave me or $750 dollars for trip. And I ended up having more money than I thought: I was set to go... still short, but enough for me to travel.
September: rehearsal camp and touring. I loved it. The rest of my money FINALLY came in, on HIS timing...Turned 23 on the 16th: my host mom and kid brought me cupcakes for the whole tour... I was so blessed. I was enjoying my life...(Did I mention I met a man who had been born in Calais?...)
October: Saw a couple of friends in Florida... but then, depression hit. Hit an all time low on tour. Just couldn't shake the low self esteem and pride... pride b/c "why was I on tour if I wasn't great?". But at the end, I just finally realized that I could only go out there and give my best: that's all that I could do. I needed to realize that I was being genuine, and that I needed to become comfortable with myself in my own skin
November: half way thru the month, I realized, "Oh MY word, I have no idea what I'm doing for my life in 3 weeks".... God soon answered. I was asked if I would consider a job with the Continentals... I knew my answer. Then I just sat back and enjoyed New Zealand and Fiji. haha. In Fiji, I said "Ok, Lord. I'll be a missionary if You want me to be." I left some of my heart there....
December: on the 4th, I accepted the job with the Continentals. Flew "home" (N.Hampshire)... had a wonderful few weeks with my dearest friends... did the drastic "hair cut", spent a few days with a couple other dear friends.... finally went home, packed up my life in 2 weeks, into 2 suitcases..... then...
January: the 2nd: flew out to Los Angeles, California. Traveled 2 hours to begin a new adventure. Loved my job... oh yeah: then saw Jonny as he started out his 3 month adventure!
February and March: life got tough. The reality of it all hitting me, and it was almost unbearable. Between not spending time with my Lord and missing my friends sooooo badly, I didn't know what to do. But I knew all along... I soon started regularly attending RealityCarpenteria... and that was the beginning of my life changing time out here...(Oh yeah, I got to see my other friend Jon, and Nate, as they came to visit me, as they were out here in SoCal... one of THE best times that I've had yet out here..)
April: Finally realized that my life isn't about me: It's ALL about Him. And what He wants to do thru me. His Word, once again, became a priority, and so did just spending time with Him. I'm sick of all the excuses that I had come up with to become a lazy, lukewarm Christian. I was sick of hiding in my shell, wanting others to just like me.... I started being who I wanted to be.
So, this is where I am. I am by NO means at a perfect spiritual state, (Lord, may I never reach it 'til I am with You)... as I still struggle daily, just waking up to spend time with Him. But life is so much more beautiful when you do.
Pei'rs, thank you soooooooooooo much for your precious prayers. They have helped to mold me and change me. I can't wait for you to get your reward.... and I can't WAIT to see you again: not only on your island, but to spend eternity with you. I will never forget you.
God Bless.
"When You said unto me, 'Seek ye My face'; My heart said unto You, 'Your face Lord, will I seek." ~Psalm 27:8
May: graduated from the BI. Some of you were there! oh MY! thank you for coming! I then spent several weeks with my dearest friend in the world: and some of my other favorites. Took care of Josiah for a week, and realized, how thankful I was that I wasn't a mom yet, but how excited I would be to have my own... haha, SOMEDAY.
June: hhmm, I thought I knew His immediate will for me at the time, but He quickly changed how I saw things, and accepted a job as co-Female Head Counselor and Asst. Program Director. Excited out of my mind, but just starting to get a wee bit scared about the Fall....but He was teaching me the importance and blessing of just "praying on the spot", which would turn out to be life changing....
July: full swing of camp: trials and blessings. $$ for Continentals? Slowly trickeling in....
August: made some great friends with some peeps from Florida, got to be a mentor and a sister to some of those girls. Got the privilege to pray with an amazing prayer warrior, Holly, wow. And then realized just how amazing my counselors were: they gave me or $750 dollars for trip. And I ended up having more money than I thought: I was set to go... still short, but enough for me to travel.
September: rehearsal camp and touring. I loved it. The rest of my money FINALLY came in, on HIS timing...Turned 23 on the 16th: my host mom and kid brought me cupcakes for the whole tour... I was so blessed. I was enjoying my life...(Did I mention I met a man who had been born in Calais?...)
October: Saw a couple of friends in Florida... but then, depression hit. Hit an all time low on tour. Just couldn't shake the low self esteem and pride... pride b/c "why was I on tour if I wasn't great?". But at the end, I just finally realized that I could only go out there and give my best: that's all that I could do. I needed to realize that I was being genuine, and that I needed to become comfortable with myself in my own skin
November: half way thru the month, I realized, "Oh MY word, I have no idea what I'm doing for my life in 3 weeks".... God soon answered. I was asked if I would consider a job with the Continentals... I knew my answer. Then I just sat back and enjoyed New Zealand and Fiji. haha. In Fiji, I said "Ok, Lord. I'll be a missionary if You want me to be." I left some of my heart there....
December: on the 4th, I accepted the job with the Continentals. Flew "home" (N.Hampshire)... had a wonderful few weeks with my dearest friends... did the drastic "hair cut", spent a few days with a couple other dear friends.... finally went home, packed up my life in 2 weeks, into 2 suitcases..... then...
January: the 2nd: flew out to Los Angeles, California. Traveled 2 hours to begin a new adventure. Loved my job... oh yeah: then saw Jonny as he started out his 3 month adventure!
February and March: life got tough. The reality of it all hitting me, and it was almost unbearable. Between not spending time with my Lord and missing my friends sooooo badly, I didn't know what to do. But I knew all along... I soon started regularly attending RealityCarpenteria... and that was the beginning of my life changing time out here...(Oh yeah, I got to see my other friend Jon, and Nate, as they came to visit me, as they were out here in SoCal... one of THE best times that I've had yet out here..)
April: Finally realized that my life isn't about me: It's ALL about Him. And what He wants to do thru me. His Word, once again, became a priority, and so did just spending time with Him. I'm sick of all the excuses that I had come up with to become a lazy, lukewarm Christian. I was sick of hiding in my shell, wanting others to just like me.... I started being who I wanted to be.
So, this is where I am. I am by NO means at a perfect spiritual state, (Lord, may I never reach it 'til I am with You)... as I still struggle daily, just waking up to spend time with Him. But life is so much more beautiful when you do.
Pei'rs, thank you soooooooooooo much for your precious prayers. They have helped to mold me and change me. I can't wait for you to get your reward.... and I can't WAIT to see you again: not only on your island, but to spend eternity with you. I will never forget you.
God Bless.
"When You said unto me, 'Seek ye My face'; My heart said unto You, 'Your face Lord, will I seek." ~Psalm 27:8
Thursday, April 20, 2006
sorry, it's been a while...
hey ya'll: what's up?
well, I've been having a GREAT day. Let me tell you . Work was just amazing. I've been emailing university after university, about contact info for instrumentalist/vocalists, and today I was reaping a harvest!! What a blessing! The first thing, was that I received an email from a secretary, saying she was an ex-con (those of you that don't know, that means EX-CONTINENTAL, haha) so that was suuuch an encouragement! and then it just went on from there. What a blessing today was, surely, it was from the Lord.
And I was already on a high 'cause I had some time with Jesus this morning, just not enough. It had been a few days, and I was draining, but this morning was good. Always remember that in order to flow out: you need to be taking it in.
And what a beautiful few days it has been here. Quite fabulous. and tomorrow is Friday! woo woo! STARBUCKS day! haha.
let's see, honestly, not much to report. I thought I was going to a concert tonight, but my friends decided not to go. So, it's kind of a bummer 'cause I ran around like a chicken w/ its head cut off, getting ready for it... but, I just try to realize that the Lord's got a reason for it: who knows? maybe I would've been in an accident, ya' know? Or maybe someone's going to call, or something. Or maybe I'll never know: but I know that it's okay. I'm in Jesus' hands, and He's in His Father's. (although, He's my Daddy too... yay!)
well, I've been having a GREAT day. Let me tell you . Work was just amazing. I've been emailing university after university, about contact info for instrumentalist/vocalists, and today I was reaping a harvest!! What a blessing! The first thing, was that I received an email from a secretary, saying she was an ex-con (those of you that don't know, that means EX-CONTINENTAL, haha) so that was suuuch an encouragement! and then it just went on from there. What a blessing today was, surely, it was from the Lord.
And I was already on a high 'cause I had some time with Jesus this morning, just not enough. It had been a few days, and I was draining, but this morning was good. Always remember that in order to flow out: you need to be taking it in.
And what a beautiful few days it has been here. Quite fabulous. and tomorrow is Friday! woo woo! STARBUCKS day! haha.
let's see, honestly, not much to report. I thought I was going to a concert tonight, but my friends decided not to go. So, it's kind of a bummer 'cause I ran around like a chicken w/ its head cut off, getting ready for it... but, I just try to realize that the Lord's got a reason for it: who knows? maybe I would've been in an accident, ya' know? Or maybe someone's going to call, or something. Or maybe I'll never know: but I know that it's okay. I'm in Jesus' hands, and He's in His Father's. (although, He's my Daddy too... yay!)
Sunday, April 16, 2006
New "Edit"ions....
Hey ya'll: just a quick post for you to notice the "new 'edit'ions".... haha. My profile.... I changed that a bit, and Sarah and Sawatsky's: I just added you!! Sorry that I haven't done it sooner!! But I check your blogs alllll the time! And those of you that think I should add something else, just let me know.... I'll probably be adding GBC soon... patience! haha!!
Great day! first of all... it's a 3 day weekend! (well, it was, anyways.) Had Friday off.... went to a Service that night at Reality.... it was sweet. They ended it by bringing out a wooden cross, and had paper and pencils for us, and we were to think of a sin that we had commited (habitual, or something that we just can not seem to give God and have Him keep it!) and go up and literally nail it to the cross. It was awesome. Ya' know though, it's cool, how He works. Because for some people, it was a very emotional time: and there's nothing wrong with that at all! But for me: it wasn't. It was just, "ya' know Shauna, this is your sin, and you need to do something about it." So I did! I find that many Christians today try to make every decision and life changing moments be emotional: but it doesn't have to be! Not every salvation in Scripture or life-changing moments were emotional: they just did it! (and He just did it!)
anyways, and so my roomate went to celebrate Easter with her boyfriend at his parents place, so I gots the place to myself! (yikes:( anyone remember my first week at Bev's by myself? haha... ) But I did a very thorough SPRING CLEANING!! yay! and finished the night before Easter by watching "the 10 Commandments"! That's right, the good one, with Charleton Heston!! Gotta' love it!!
Easter at Reality ( and then time with a family tomorrow that I barely even know! Yikes!! haha, but it should be good. They're good friends of my roomate, so it'll be a good time, that's for sure!! Love you all!!
Nettie, how was the birthday?? :0)
Great day! first of all... it's a 3 day weekend! (well, it was, anyways.) Had Friday off.... went to a Service that night at Reality.... it was sweet. They ended it by bringing out a wooden cross, and had paper and pencils for us, and we were to think of a sin that we had commited (habitual, or something that we just can not seem to give God and have Him keep it!) and go up and literally nail it to the cross. It was awesome. Ya' know though, it's cool, how He works. Because for some people, it was a very emotional time: and there's nothing wrong with that at all! But for me: it wasn't. It was just, "ya' know Shauna, this is your sin, and you need to do something about it." So I did! I find that many Christians today try to make every decision and life changing moments be emotional: but it doesn't have to be! Not every salvation in Scripture or life-changing moments were emotional: they just did it! (and He just did it!)
anyways, and so my roomate went to celebrate Easter with her boyfriend at his parents place, so I gots the place to myself! (yikes:( anyone remember my first week at Bev's by myself? haha... ) But I did a very thorough SPRING CLEANING!! yay! and finished the night before Easter by watching "the 10 Commandments"! That's right, the good one, with Charleton Heston!! Gotta' love it!!
Easter at Reality ( and then time with a family tomorrow that I barely even know! Yikes!! haha, but it should be good. They're good friends of my roomate, so it'll be a good time, that's for sure!! Love you all!!
Nettie, how was the birthday?? :0)
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Today I am...... very tired.
that's it.
tired. 'cause I didn't get to bed 'til almost one, due to a Young Con concert (which was TOTALLY amazing... totally) that I went to.
so I'm exhausted.
but I don't have to work tomorrow.
and nettie's birthday is tomorrow! yea!
that's it.
tired. 'cause I didn't get to bed 'til almost one, due to a Young Con concert (which was TOTALLY amazing... totally) that I went to.
so I'm exhausted.
but I don't have to work tomorrow.
and nettie's birthday is tomorrow! yea!
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Huh. So I actually have no idea what to blog about. But it's funny though: I get mad when ya'll don't post every day, or couple of days, but then expect ya'll to understand why I don't blog. Wow, I'm so selfish!
Just got back from exercising on the beach: yay!!!!!!!! Wish ya'll could be here. That'd be awesome. Come visit me! It's so beautiful here!! Must be 70 something degrees here today, yay!!!!!!!!!!!!! Saturday mornings there's a market with all fresh veggies and fruits (holy cow: NOTHING beats the oranges here!!), and then until 1pm, down by the beach, there's a little market where you can buy clothes, artwork, ice cones (yay!), etc. It's great!
The Lord and I hung out yesterday, and I remembered back when I was "growin up" and even recently, when I (and every other human being) dreamed about living by the ocean... being able to hear it everyday! AND I DO! Now granted, I by no means have a beach front apartment (who in their right mind can afford it?! haha) Anyways...I love it. And since it's the end of "winter" here, everything is green! At least for a few more weeks before it never rains again 'til next winter! It's crazy.... I finally took some pics, haha, but once again, I don't have a digi! But my roomie does, so maybe someday...:O)
I'm watching "the Making of the Ten Commandments", you know, the one that airs on ABC soon? It's crazy, everything: every article of clothing, every prop, every shoe, even the entire palace: has been hand made and made specifically for this movie! It's crazy!
well, I'll probably blog later this week ya'll. Have a great day with Jesus!
Just got back from exercising on the beach: yay!!!!!!!! Wish ya'll could be here. That'd be awesome. Come visit me! It's so beautiful here!! Must be 70 something degrees here today, yay!!!!!!!!!!!!! Saturday mornings there's a market with all fresh veggies and fruits (holy cow: NOTHING beats the oranges here!!), and then until 1pm, down by the beach, there's a little market where you can buy clothes, artwork, ice cones (yay!), etc. It's great!
The Lord and I hung out yesterday, and I remembered back when I was "growin up" and even recently, when I (and every other human being) dreamed about living by the ocean... being able to hear it everyday! AND I DO! Now granted, I by no means have a beach front apartment (who in their right mind can afford it?! haha) Anyways...I love it. And since it's the end of "winter" here, everything is green! At least for a few more weeks before it never rains again 'til next winter! It's crazy.... I finally took some pics, haha, but once again, I don't have a digi! But my roomie does, so maybe someday...:O)
I'm watching "the Making of the Ten Commandments", you know, the one that airs on ABC soon? It's crazy, everything: every article of clothing, every prop, every shoe, even the entire palace: has been hand made and made specifically for this movie! It's crazy!
well, I'll probably blog later this week ya'll. Have a great day with Jesus!
Sunday, April 02, 2006
70th Post: PCH & Jesus
70th post kids.... whoa.... crazy!!
Well, I told you on Friday that I would probably post again: and here I am, I'm back. I just wanted to let you all know that today I went to Malibou w/ my roommate and got some ice cream.... and we looked for dolphins on the PCH (Pacific Coast Highway), but whenever I'm with her, she never sees them: so neither have I: yet. Anyways... and today it was warm enough for "tank tops" (exercise tanks, or "wife beaters"), so my roommate and I walked down the path by the beach.... people out surfing.... first time I've seen people ride the waves! So that was pretty sweet....
and I know that many of you know that I thought I had found "the church" that I was going to faithfully attend.... but, for certain reasons, I won't be going there. I've gone w/ my roommate now a few times to Reality Carpenteria ( , Reality, being the church, and Carpenteria, the city it's in. (neighbor to Santa Barbara, which is beautiful, by the way). The Pastor's there, they just, they really love Jesus. You can tell that they love to talk about Him, and it's just been amazing. They were on Part X of a series on Prayer, and it's been amazing. Last week it was Prayer & Fasting (yeah, GBC C&C group) and this week it was on Praying Scripture, which I had been really into doing last summer and fall, but got out of it. So it was sweet. Anyways, my roommate and I go to the Prayer time at 7:30, and then the service at 8:30..... and it's just so sweet. You truly walk out of there, pumped to live (like, for Christ, not to just go have fun). Honestly.... it's awesome. And things may change, but as of right now... how can I not keep going there? When for the first time since being here... I've found people that truly love Jesus? Not that church is all about what YOU get out of it, but that's for a later day.
Well, I'm exhausted. I've had a full day already--and it's only 4:30! And I have much to do...I was going to go to the beach and read down there, but I'm not going to want to walk back up the hill... so, I'm not going to. Anyways, miss ya'! Write me and let me know how things are going!
and Jonathan: how in the WORLD (no pun intended) do you have relatives in Buenos Aires? What the?!
Well, I told you on Friday that I would probably post again: and here I am, I'm back. I just wanted to let you all know that today I went to Malibou w/ my roommate and got some ice cream.... and we looked for dolphins on the PCH (Pacific Coast Highway), but whenever I'm with her, she never sees them: so neither have I: yet. Anyways... and today it was warm enough for "tank tops" (exercise tanks, or "wife beaters"), so my roommate and I walked down the path by the beach.... people out surfing.... first time I've seen people ride the waves! So that was pretty sweet....
and I know that many of you know that I thought I had found "the church" that I was going to faithfully attend.... but, for certain reasons, I won't be going there. I've gone w/ my roommate now a few times to Reality Carpenteria ( , Reality, being the church, and Carpenteria, the city it's in. (neighbor to Santa Barbara, which is beautiful, by the way). The Pastor's there, they just, they really love Jesus. You can tell that they love to talk about Him, and it's just been amazing. They were on Part X of a series on Prayer, and it's been amazing. Last week it was Prayer & Fasting (yeah, GBC C&C group) and this week it was on Praying Scripture, which I had been really into doing last summer and fall, but got out of it. So it was sweet. Anyways, my roommate and I go to the Prayer time at 7:30, and then the service at 8:30..... and it's just so sweet. You truly walk out of there, pumped to live (like, for Christ, not to just go have fun). Honestly.... it's awesome. And things may change, but as of right now... how can I not keep going there? When for the first time since being here... I've found people that truly love Jesus? Not that church is all about what YOU get out of it, but that's for a later day.
Well, I'm exhausted. I've had a full day already--and it's only 4:30! And I have much to do...I was going to go to the beach and read down there, but I'm not going to want to walk back up the hill... so, I'm not going to. Anyways, miss ya'! Write me and let me know how things are going!
and Jonathan: how in the WORLD (no pun intended) do you have relatives in Buenos Aires? What the?!
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