Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Back in the U.S.A.!!

Hey ya'll: sorry it's been so long since I've updated: quite a bit has happened. I am a recent graduate of New Brunswck Bible Institute, located in Canada. I now have my diploma of of Theological and Biblical Studies, along with a diploma of Advanced Biblical Ministries. It was such an emotional 4-5 days at the school: seeing some of my closest friends in the world for the last time, plus having to say goodbye to some from where I interned in PEI, Canada, plus, being totally physically, mentally and spiritually exhausted, PLUS, the realization that it is time for me to grow up. Needless to say, I'm exhausted.

I'm now in Jaffrey, New Hampshire, visiting and vacationing. My friends Bethany and Andy have a gorgeous 15 month old, Josiah, who brightens my countenance every time my eyes fall on him. I pray for my (perhaps) future children that they will light up the room as he does. Anyways, so after a couple weeks here, I will most likely return to Maine to get a job for the summer, so I can join the Continentals in the fall. (which reminds me, I need to mail a check!)

well, it's 10:40 pm, and I'm totally exhausted. Please, stay in contact ya'll.


Anonymous said...

Hey Shauna,
awsome to hear about school and how that went.
Well missing you already.
Things here are getting pretty busy with Ney York and everything that goes with that.
Hope ya have an awsome time with the continentials and hope to see you in August.
Miss you and can't wait for the updates.
Well im out here.
Your friend in Christ,
Carla Moore

Nettie said...

Glad to hear from you again, hope you get the chance to rest up!

Anonymous said...

Dude! You're SOOO right about realizing it's time to grow up. Man, I hate this whole job thing. Ha! Well, I'm so glad that you were in my class. What an interesting 4 years, eh?!? Well, I'm off now. Keep looking up!