Can you believe it? I'm California. Absolutely ludicrous. Here I am, relaxing after my first day of work. WITHOUT BRINGING WORK HOME. Now, not to say that I never will, but not really. There's not a lot I can do w/o being at the office during those particular hours. (phone calls...all day long:0)
Many flying adventures yesterday. Every flight was I was constantly running to my gates...great fun. But the Lord was good: sent me Jerry on my 5 hour flight...good guy from Phoenix. Laughed and talked the whole time. My shuttle ride to Dean's house: totally almost (like what is almost?) gave the gospel to the shuttle driver. It was amazing,....I don't even know his name. but I know that our shuttle ride was encouraging to him. Everyone was always talking! he said it never happens!! And esp. not posititve convo's! it was awesome!! pray that this man (all of them actually) gets saved!!
well, I'm tired. And should probably start heading to bed soon. Love you all...
Glad to hear you arrived safely, my sweet! Sounds adventurous! Don't you love working?! No more homework, ever!!! Keep us posted!
Much love!
awww...thanks guys. It is awesome. And I just hung out with some peeps for the first time!! It's weird though, 'cause I work with them. Well, one of them has the same job as me: the other, my boss. The other girls: one's the sponsorship coordinator, and the other is a concert booker...anyways, not like you asked that. Do keep praying though, as I start learning the computer stuff soon, and then probably wednesday, I officially start. crazy! ugh! I do love it though. I really do.
i want to hear about your life. what do you do at your job? do you live close to the beach? what is the church like down there?? are you in love yet?? love erin
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