Wednesday, April 13, 2005

hello there ya'll. How ya' treatin' life? I finished my last course!! Praise the Lord!! So, now I've already read one novel, and am almost half way thru the other, and it's only been about 5 days!! I LOVE READING!! We have only 2 more episodes to watch of the 2nd season of "24", which thrills me: I had a hard time breathing last night. And on American Idol last night, did anyone else think that Carrie Underwood kicked some serious butt on "love is a battlefield"? What was Simon's problem? Sure, she has to do something besides use her hips...but that'll come. anyways, what else. Oh, our first WORSHIP EVENT was this past Sunday, the 10th: absolutely amazing. I love worshipping thru singing: I love how the Lord allows us to worship thru our bodies. What a privilege it is!!
well, I'm done with that randomness now. I'm now down to 10 days 'til I'm done work, and and maybe only 11 'til I go home. My friend Cass maybe coming earlier: which would be amazing!! I'm so sad to say goodbye to some of these people...especially some of the women: it'll be real hard...
oh hey: my tour goes to FIGI now, too!!


Nettie said...

What are you reading?

shauna marie said...

well, I had read "A Time to Dance", by Karen Kingsbury and now I'm reading, "When Joy Came to Stay", by the same author. She's a Christian author--she's really good!!

The Book Worm said...

Um. . .I was going to comment. . .then I forget what I was going to comment on. . .hmmmm

Shauna said...

Hi, I found your blog through Netties blog, which I found from Darlene's blog, which I found from Lori's blog, which...well, I used to know Lori....anyway, I just wanted to say hello since we have the same name and it is spelled the same which is unusual.