Hello all!!
Well, so far: life is still great!!! IT IS SUUUUUUUUUUUUNNY HERE TODAY! oh my word: seriously: my insides hurt from smiling on the inside (and the out) 'cause it's sooooooooooo beautiful!! like, sunny days in SoCal... but different... 'cause it's a New England spring day... which are better. :)
Next weekend I lead my first of two Conferences... Worship Leading, that is. Pretty terrified: 'can't lie. But God is in control: and there must be something Andy sees in me as a Worship Leader to ask me to do two conferences, so there's that. My name is even in the Authentic Beauty brochure! it's Insanity!! (www.monadnockbible.org) I think when i saw that: that's when I actually started getting really scared... kind of solidified it for me...
anyways, so that's about it... i got an international cell plan: so I may be calling some of you soon! so... if your #'s have changed... let me know, lol.
The pics are just me and Bethany's kids. :) Enjoy! (Oh, the kids are Mercy and Josiah.)
OOOooooohhhhhH! Snow! Guess we can wait a little while longer to enjoy it, but even pictures of it bring out something in a Maine girl. Glad life is treating you well and obviously stretching you for greater things. Keep your focus on Him.
Love ya,
The retreat looks like a lot of fun! So fun to have a bunch of fun with just girls!
I can't wait till our youth retreat here in june I don't know if I'll get to see any of it but Jeff Mohl from NY will be coming up and that's exciting!
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