This is where I live!
Woo woo!!
Good afternoon and evening ya'll.I have now worked for the Continental Singers, for exactly 7 months.Which means... I have lived in C-A-L-F-O-R-N-I-A for....7 months.Is this NOT insane to you all?So when is everyone going to come visit?That's my question.Okay, update on my life... Driving: uh, kind of had a mishap the other day: so I'm driving for a few days... 'cause I just need a break, lol. just shook me up. No injuries, no damage: no worries: just my pride. (Isn't THAT typical, lol) Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd... no car yet either. Please keep praying for me that though... let's see....Spiritually: ya' know, up and down. I've been going thru a bit of a stretch lately: the other night in fact, I was like, "I'm ready to go back east... I miss Bethany... I miss my PEI'rs..." yeah, all of that good stuff. But I realized something last night: one of my strengths is that I love moving and seeing different places and moving 3,000 miles doesn't quite bother me.... but, when the going gets tough: that's my escape: to just move, and leave. See: I've never been in one place, for so long. It was always camp for 3 months, school for 3 months, camp, school, camp, school.... see? I always had something on the horizon... then I had tour.... then I had coming here... and now I have...???????? But God is good--and Faithful. Not one thing that I go thru has He NOT allowed: for His glory, and my growth....Now if I can just remember that...haha. and that's about it for now. sorry, no pics... for you, maybe later:)