So, yeah, definitely the key word for the summer is A-MAZING. God has totally "blown my socks off" these last few weeks: positively amazing....amazing. Not to say that I haven't had some low times, but God is good: no matter.
I have never worked with such an awesome counselling staff in my life. Totally rocks. Usually you have the 2-3 that have a passion for Christ--and it's totally the opposite here!! It's amazing!! (wow, I forgot how much I love typing!! random, I know:0) I miss Camp Hope, and all my "guests and campers", but I love my position here.
I'm one of 2 head female counselors/Asst. Program Directors. I'm not to into a lot of the "programming" stuff, but I love trying to be an encouragement to the counselors. It's a blast!! Definitely NOT always easy, as I have to be in authority (and with that, comes specific responsibilities and obligations), but it's all good. God is good.
As far as the Continentals go, I have a little under $3000 left to raise for support: but I also have the additional fees of going there: plane fees, $500 camp fee, spending money, etc. But God has me here! And hey: I NOW OWN A BRAND NEW DISCMAN!! all because of a couple I was talking with, and they somehow picked up on how I wanted one for when I fly--and they went out and bought me one!!!! GOD IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!
Well, that's my life so far. I love my times with Jesus: I love looking forward to spending time with Him. I love how an hour and a half just isn't enough. I love Him.
well, I should go. Please, everyone--update me on you!!